Monday, April 5, 2010



Today I got hit with a lot of mundane details and challenges with getting the company of Morgana Enterprises, Inc. off and running. In order to continue the mission of Archangel Anael we must deal with technical details and pay bills. When the flow out exceeds the flow in, then it can be challenging.

For a moment, I allowed earthly frustrations to overwhelm me. In the next moment, Anael swept me up above them. She assured me that if I kept on giving her message out…at times, I give away many sessions…than she will deal with the financial issues of running this company.

So my job is simply to keep on, keeping on. I allowed myself to get too much in the ‘mind’ aspect of myself (trying to figure things out), and not enough in spirit. So I am back on track.

I know that Anael will support this Angelic mission of Love and Unity (after all it is her mission) by bringing the people to us that we can help and by bringing us the finances to continue to offer this service to the community.

She has assured me that small and large donations will begin to flow in. She also has said a philanthropist will donate a large sum at some point in the future to help spread this mission on a larger scale.

In the meantime, Anael has instructed me to invite you to be part of the Angel Team by manifesting with us. At this point, we want to manifest a paycheck for Willow, my business manager, as she has been donating all her time and energy since October last year. Do this by visualizing her receiving a check from Morgana Enterprises, Inc. for $100 a week. Since she puts in at least 40 hours a week, this will only be a start, but at least it will enable her to continue to assist in the mission. The power in united visualization will make it so!

The inner Divine beauty of each of you has touched my heart and makes me know I am safe in sharing my human vulnerability with you. I truly blessed by knowing each of you and honored to be a part of your lives.

Angel Hugs and Love, Morgana

1 comment:

  1. I will visualize for both of you! Keep on keepin' on. :)
