Sunday, November 14, 2010


I love the way the lessons I learn in my personal life can assist others to achieve their own goals and dreams. I do open myself up to people misunderstanding me, by sharing from my heart…but for me it is worth the risk.

My mind is focused on my upcoming Sacred Healing Dance Workshops. I dance every day…either 5 minutes or more at home, or several hours when I go out with my friends.

I dance to the beat of my own drum most of the time, alone. I have no need for a partner in my dance, as it is for my healing as well as to raise my vibrational frequency. Then I can send healing out to others more effectively.

As I looked for my exercise clothes this morning, I ran across a spandex black body suit. In spite of it being way too small to squeeze into a year ago, I had kept it.

I pulled it on and was thrilled to discover that it fit perfectly! Clean lines, with no bulges, only curves. (Goddesses have curves is one of my mantras! Lol!) I was thrilled to see that my dedication to working out and treating my body like a Divine temple had paid off. I threw a t-shirt over it and went to the gym.

Looking at my gloved hands that I wear while using the weight machines to keep my soft (yes…..always the Diva! Lol!), I reflected on why I felt so good when working out. It used to be drudgery to me. It wasn’t because of the way I looked. It wasn’t just because of the extra energy I have.

As I searched for the core reason, I realized it is because my increased stamina and muscle tone enables me to enjoy Sacred Dance more than before.

Sacred Dance was the beginning of my final healing from the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Now I incorporate Sacred Dance whenever and wherever there is music playing.

Nothing is solid in this world. All is made up of vibrations. That includes our physical bodies. I teach how to pull in the energies of movement in a way to be at one with whatever music is around you. It is done with breath, intent and movement.

I danced with my Chamber of Commerce friends last Friday evening. During the dance I worked at mending and healing my own body, mind and spirit, and then sent out healing to my friends that danced around me.

I am excited about the two Sacred Dance Workshops I will be leading this Friday in
Cocoa Village and Saturday in Cassadaga. Both classes will be different as the attendees determine the flow of the workshop. We will pull in Full Moon energies. Then also will awaken the Kundalini. I will teach couples how to do Sacred Dance together to further deeper their relationship on many levels.

Dance and heal and dance some more!

If you want more details about the workshops….check my website at

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