Thursday, March 22, 2012


The energies are so intense right now. One of my friends called me and said, "My gosh...spirit is bringing some really old, old issues to light right now!"

So true. The emotions we are dealing will stem back to old wounds from our childhood. It is important to look beyond what we think may be triggering our thinking or emotions. We must look deep to where it began. What is the core?

I must say, I don't like this kind of work. It isn't easy. One issue I had to deal with many years ago in a clearing like this was that I kept re-creating sicknesses in my body to get the attention I wanted from those around me. For most of my life, I would have sworn that wasn't true.

It was when I finally accepted the fact, that indeed I did use sickness as a tool to control those around me, that I was able to begin to heal. Everything I did before then did no good. I began to take the focus off of me and looked to others. It was a process and I had to catch myself constantly when my thinking or words would slip into the old pattern of discussing how I felt or some drama around me.

In time, I looked and saw myself healthy with almost no drama in my life. I do always keep a watchful eye and watch for any red-flag that takes me to a place of ego again.

So hang in there. It does get better after trudging through the work. The angels will help lighten the load if you remember to ask them.

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