Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We have 24 more days of Venus Retrograde. It has caused some havoc and confusion in the romance department for many people. Remember this is a time to be extra forgiving and understanding now...not a time to jump to conclusions or make assumptions. 

Venus rules finances also, so take this time to evaluate how you feel about money. I have had many up and coming Psychics and Spiritual Healers say they did not feel right about taking money for their services.

One must remember, not only did you take the time, money and energy to practice and become good at what you do...but money is our current exchange of energy. Like the barter service of old...our currency for barter today is cash.  Since the bank would not take a reading for payment on your car or mortgage, neither should you accept barter for what you do.  It stops the flow of financial abundance.

'But I don't need financial abundance,' you say...'I just want enough to get by.' So are you saying you do not want to have enough cash flow to give money to help someone in real need? You do not want to have extra money to buy another house, so you can rent it cheap to a single mom struggling to raise children on her own?

We need to think beyond ourselves. Money brings us what we need to help others. When we claim abundance of health, joy and love, we need to add the financial aspect that will assist us on our path of helping others.

I no longer barter. I was instructed to raise my prices slightly, though I am still way below the national average.  By charging a bit more I am able to cover the rent I pay for my place to work out of, as well as covering the cost of making it a beautiful angelic haven. It allows me able to take the time to help someone in turmoil that the angels bring to me.

Today I was blessed by having a client stop in to see the new place and get a reading. She said she only had $30. Truly that is all she had.  I told her my price for 15 minutes is $30, but I would give her 20 minutes for that.

After the reading, I felt uplifted by her energy. She sees the positive in everything...even in some challenges that would have caused others to roll over and play dead. I told her it was only $20 for her.  She argued and gave me $25. I blessed it and said aloud,  'May this money return to you a thousand fold.' And it will. It has. ..."As in Heaven, so Below!"
She understood in order to be blessed by the messages of the Angels and Spirit one must invest some energy. She honored this and is blessed because of that.

Just know, for everyone that pays the full amount for a reading, Donates and Tips it allows me to be able to gift it forward as the Angels direct me.  We are all ONE in this work. It is your energy and love along with that of the Angels that keep this Mission going forward.

One day this Angel Mission will manifest enough financial freedom to purchase land and housing where many can come for healing and respite from this tumultuous world.
In the meantime, I am here in the Angel Room, reaching out to the world via the computer and phone to be of service.

~Love All, Serve All~
Archangel Anael

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