Tuesday, January 8, 2013


As the year progresses and the energy becomes more intense, our  changes appear more and more evident. Not only to us, but also to those around us.  We are constantly letting go of old thought patterns. Sometimes we are not aware at first that the fears that rise up in us as we grow, come from religious dogma.

From an early age I never fit in the mold. I could communicate with wild animals as well as troubled domesticated ones. It was said in my family that any animal was my friend. They wondered openly where I came from. They spoke of my head being in the clouds and that I was always 'off somewhere else.' My parents never let me pet the wild elephants I so firmly declared was my desire...But they did let me hold a baby lion from a circus. All were surprised at the calmness of the cub.
Trying to be the proper missionary/preacher's daughter almost destroyed my health. I got sicker and sicker trying to be like every around me. Desperation led me to looking outside the box of the church to find healing and peace.
When I began on this spiritual path, I opened the doorway to a new beginning and a deeper understand of the majesty of the Divine (God) and often freaked myself out. The Biblical interpretation of witches and mediums being evil and that they should be killed haunted me. My Biblical training from an early age had sunk deep into my cellular DNA.
Neale Donald Walsh's book...Conversations with God, was the beginning of me seeing the expansiveness of God. A God that gives you free will won't send you to hell for not doing as he says. From then on, I began to question, grow and stretch. My relationship with the Divine got deeper and no longer was confined to the pages of a book. I got healthier in mind, body and spirit.
I immersed myself in many spiritual paths...Native American, Shamanic, Pagan, and other 'New Age' modalities. Then finally I embraced the realm of the Angels whom had guided my life from the beginning.
Still from time to time, I meet people who freak out about angels, thinking if the angel I work with (Archangel Anael) is not mentioned in the Bible or other ' prominent' sources, that it is wrong. I remind myself that each person has their own path. If they are frightened about angels or just wish to be confrontational, I change the subject and we drift apart. I release them to discover and deal with their own fears.
Even in the world of Psychics, I march to the beat of my own drum. I follow the Angel's leading of balance, work and play in life. Now it simply amuses me when other criticize how I dress or act. Some even attack my words telling me I should think differently.  They feel it is their job to challenge my belief system. This is simply the Biblical dogma of feeling one must get others to believe their way, as well as ego. Trust me....I know this one. I lived it very strongly for the first several years of my unhappy life. I gratefully release that energy of conflict from my being.
I share all this to help you embrace your differences. You will have your own unique way to communicate with the Divine and the Angels. If you are just beginning this journey...learn...read...all you possibly can. Throw away what doesn't work and embrace what does. Be around people whom allow you to grow and experience your journey as it works for you. Experience the joys life has to offer and actively release the pain.
2013 is to be a year of ease. Go with the flow. If you feel conflict change your course. The Angels will happily guide you in that journey if you but ask.

If you need a boost, I am always available as one of their messengers to assist.

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