Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This Full Moon is like many of the other intense ones this years. It is considered a Blue Moon. Remember the old saying, "Once in a Blue Moon."  "It happens once in a blue moon...." Well, this is the time for 'it' to happen.

What is the 'it'? That would be different for everyone. But it certainly is time to release some old patterns in your way of thinking about the world. It is time to be done with doing the same things and expecting different results. It is time to determine to forge ahead with your own life and create your dreams. It is time to manifest miracles in your life by no longer worrying about how society may react if they discover you are different from the norm.
Many have had past memories of abuse and negative situations brought up in their lives in the last week. These are surfacing for you to take a look at what you still need to release or heal. Take a hard look at things which feel sad from you past and determine to let them go, so they no longer have any control in your life.

Creative energy is building up right now, but as long as you have the 'I am worried about other people's opinion of me' syndrome, you will not be able to be truly creative.

Perhaps you are afraid of their criticism because you are critical of yourself and others. This is a perfect thing to release this Full Moon. Choose to let go of a critical spirit. You will find that will go a long way to allowing you to lighten your load and rise up to reach your dreams.

Perhaps someday you could say, "Once on a Blue Moon, I released criticism and then was able to reclaim my free spirit!"

Find out what is holding you back from your dreams and let it go this Full Blue Moon! Time to Fly with the angels, my friends!

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