Monday, February 9, 2015

Angelic Perspective of Suicide

Angelic Perspective of Suicide: I don't believe in a Christian version of hell. No true loving god would send any soul there. However, since I am a Medium, I have seen the world between this one and heaven. To me I would describe it as hell. I call it 'the grey world'. With the help of the angels, I have rescued many souls from this place and assisted them to the light. Some were suicides. Some felt they were too bad to go to heaven, since their religious dogma had taught them that. Some, when they saw they Light thought it was hell and were too frightened to cross over. The disbelief they express when told they are loved by god is huge. When they are able to see a loved one or a beloved pet on the other side, they can finally cross to heaven. Being a very strong Empath myself, I totally understand the feeling of wanting to end it all. I did not know at the time I had those thoughts/plans...that I was feeling other people's feelings as well as my own despair. I responded so strongly to other people's pain, emotional and physical, that I manifested the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The amazing angel I work with showed me a meditation to protect and shield myself. She also taught me not to 'grow roots to mother earth' to ground, as I was picking up the pain of the earth. Here it is...only 2 min.

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