Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Waiting in lines for food at fairs can be a time consuming business. Especially when it is good food that must be prepared as ordered. I was doing my usual as I stood in line…watching people and feeling the energies around me. My attention was drawn to a young girl, perhaps 14-15 years of age, as who I took to be her mother, called her out of the line.

“Haven’t you ordered yet? Are you in the right line?” she berated the girl who was looking overwhelmed.

There were two lines that had just formed…one for desserts and one for entrees. The mother type person told her to get in another line.

I spoke up asking the girl what she wanted. She wanted entrees and was in the right line to begin with…I related it to the mother type person. Then I encouraged the girl to get back in line, and made sure the people waiting knew she was in front of them.

The people in line were very kind and sweet and made a place for her.
As I previously stated the food was taking a long time to prepare. One crepe maker and several people in line.

The mother type person called out to the girl saying, “Are you sure you want that? Have you ordered yet?”

Even seeing the girl was close to tears, the mother type person did not stop. I spoke gently to her finding out that she was a teacher/chaperon and had brought a school group to the fair. She said she would have to meet the group elsewhere if it took any longer. (This was a small fair…so why would that matter?)

She came up to the girl in line asking her again if she really wanted the food. Obviously the girl did as she had been waiting for several minutes. You could see the embarrassment of the young girl at all the negative attention that had been publically brought to her.

The teacher made a comment about it taking so long. The girl muttered under her breath, “This is ridiculous.”

Just as it was time for the girl to order, she stepped away. The gentleman behind her called out, “it is your turn, you can order.”

By now it was clear she just wanted to get away. She and the teacher had a discussion and disappeared.

So what did the girl learn? She learned to blame other people for her inconvenience…it took the crepe makers time to make crepes. No respect was given to them for their hard work. She learned to disrespect others. The teacher belittled her in front of a crowd of strangers. She learned to put people down and try to manipulate them if you might be inconvenience in some way. She learned the gentle art of being abusive from someone who was supposed to inspire greatness in her.

For a moment I was frustrated. I mentioned to Tim, that it was due to people like this teacher that I had clients both young and older coming to me full of wounds needing healing.

Then I considered the cycle. This teacher did the best she could. She was not a bad person, simply one that was repeating what and how she was taught.

I asked Archangel Anael what was the lesson here. This was her reply…..

"We must all pay attention to how we treat others. If we always treat others…children and adults…with the highest of respect and honor, then this cycle of abuse will come to an end.

One way to do this is to pause for a moment before speaking. See the person in front of us as if they are adorned with angel wings and a halo. See within yourself the same. Now speak to them with the respect one Divine Being would give another Divine Being.

Within each of you resides a spark of the Divine. This is who you are. This is your birthright. Reside within that spark, let it grow and consume you. Then you are a true embodiment of the Divine. By doing this, you will assist others to do the same and we will invite Heaven to abide on Earth."

~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2010

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