Sunday, March 21, 2010


The world is shifting and changing. During these times as you are connected with Mother Earth you are shifting with her.

You are being given opportunities to let go of your past ways of thinking and being. In order for that to occur, old issues are being brought before you in the form of challenges.

Are you willing to let go and allow this to be our last lesson in this matter? If not, you will find more heavy energies around you.

For example, if you have 'been told' it was time to leave a relationship, job or situation and have not made the moves to do so. That situation will get worse and worse. It is now time to begin the process of 'letting go' and 'letting God' (as the saying goes).

For those that are making those shifts in their lives...speaking up for themselves, not allowing others to disrespect the Divinity within you...there are some things you can do to make this time easier for you.

Drink more water than normal. Your physical body is changing as you change spiritually. Drinking water will allow the flush of toxins out of your body. Sleep when you are tired. You will be requiring a little more sleep than previously. Try not to put extra toxins into your body, as it will only weigh you down more.

Exercise in a balanced way as it helps detox your body also.
As you become more a vessel for Divine Light you must learn to take care of the body you have chosen for this journey. Do this always in balance.

Though these things are always is more so in the next few weeks during the major energy shifts and light portal opening that are occurring.
The angels are always near you, watching and waiting for you to ask for their help. All is well and life is unfolding in the Divine Plan.

~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2010

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