Thursday, April 28, 2011


“Rejection is Protection”. These wise words were shared with me by my friend Andrea de Michaelis of Horizons Magazine.

How many times have you had your heart set on something, only to have it crash down around you? Then later you find out that it would have been worse it things had gone through as you desired.

We are taught to create our realities…manifest our wishes. How does all this work together? Trust me, it takes practice. It is all about the balance. Manifest and visualize your creations, yet allow Spirit to take you where it is best for you. In other words, don’t be too attached to the outcome.

When I ride in the car with a friend driving and we are headed to a familiar place, I used to tell them which road to take, even though they know the way. However, there is more than one route to take to the place. Now I relax and notice their route being a bit different than mine. I enjoy the scenery knowing we will still end up at our desired location.

This is how I choose to see life. My destination is firmly in mind. At times someone else is driving. Then I learn and grow as I have new experiences. I still end up in the reality I created for myself.

Enjoy the Ride!

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