Friday, January 27, 2012


I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome many years ago. I overcame the worst symptoms by aligning my energy with that of Archangel Anael. This dis-ease was brought into my energy in order to understand the pain others go through, as well as because I am an empath and healer.

When I was at my lowest with the Fibro (before AA Anael manifested clearly to me) I had weekly and sometimes twice a week sessions with healers. They would remind me to stay positive. (Even when I was in Mary Kay (I was a sales director with a free car) we were taught to say how you want to feel and you will become that.)

It was brought to my attention that when I talked about it...even mentioned that I was diagnosed with it, that it drew that energy back into my auric field.

My human side didn’t appreciate the comment. But I had to look within. I began the process of doing Shadow Work. I realized the person was right. I had used my aches and pains to get attention from my family when I was young and I was shocked to see that I had continued the pattern!

Now I only mention my diagnosis to encourage others there is hope to overcome debilitating dis-eases. The words I speak is: “My body is strong and healthy.” This affirms that energy to manifest.

A fun fact: Three and a half years ago I threw all my shoes away except for the plastic Crocs and tennis shoes. My feet hurt sooo bad. I would hold onto walls to get around the house in the morning. Six months after actively working with AA Anael I began to buy heels. Now, I love my stilettos!!! Though 2 1/2 inch heels are the ones I can tromp around in all day.

Yes...I am a bit of a Diva now, but I love it. I can still saddle a horse, throw myself on and ride off in a gallop, as well as work in a garden, etc....but I love the balance of enjoying the sparkly, shiny things in life.

The Angels don't want us in pain. I chose that experience. I also chose how to work beyond the pain. It makes meditation a a diabetic with the need for insulin. I live and breathe AA Anael’s Angelic Energy and meditate with her every day.

I do my best to stay out of the lower energies of criticism and negative talk. Being human, I slip back there at times. I will say things I wish I hadn’t and vibe in a lower frequency. Then I get back up, dust myself off, put the Angel Wings back on and begin to fly with the Angels again.

Mary Kay Ash said it well…”It doesn’t matter how many times you fall or get knocked down with circumstances in life. What matters is how many times you get back up.”

So I encourage all of you…especially those of you with physical pain…to strap on AA Anael’s Angel Wings, get up and fly for the stars!

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