Wednesday, April 11, 2012


"Remember if the shifts of energy are getting too intense for you...You are the one in control. Ask your guides and we angels to slow it down a bit for you. Also ask for clarity.

Perhaps you are in need of setting more boundaries in your life. If you say no to some things that pull your energy, then you will have energy for things that really matter.

Life is not supposed to be one struggle after another. It is supposed to be one of joyful growth. It is up to you to decide how you want to feel about things. You are the one in control of your feelings, also. You often try so hard to control things you can not, that you forget about the power you have to control other issues in your lives, such as your expectations and emotions.

We angels are always ready to help as you need us...Just ask...."

~Archangel Anael~

"Love All, Serve All!"

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