Saturday, June 18, 2011


Many times we get confused and then frustrated that we don’t have a clear direction in our lives. Getting a reading from a good psychic is a way to receive some direction. But we must learn to move ahead on our own many times.

The best advice I can give people is learn to follow your heart. I don’t mean that mushy romantic falling in love and can’t help ourselves feeling. I mean connecting our heart to the Divine Source. Then we tap into the energy in our heart to show us the right way to go.

You must take some time every day to re-connect with the Divine, so your heart stays pure. Meditation is a great way to do this. Only five minutes a day is enough to begin.

Just sit comfortably and breathe normally. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth. That creates a circuit of energy through your body. Make sure your arms and legs are uncrossed. Have your hands open or put your thumb and forefinger together to help with the circuit of energy. (Hand positions are called Mudras..There is a great one that I teach to my clients that stills the chatter in your mind.)

Then focus on your breath. When your mind runs off to plan the details of your day, bring your thoughts back on your breath. Continue breathing normally, though it is good to try to fill your stomach (not chest) with each breath.

Another thing that may be helpful is to think the word “so” on the in breath and “hum” on the out breath. That is the natural sound of breathing.

Just sit for five minutes, preferably the same time each day and breathe. This will align you with the Divine and enable you to hear the ‘still small voice of God’ within your heart without interference.

Then you can confidently lead with your heart knowing your heart is lined up with the Divine. If you happen to choose a path that you decide is not right for you, you will easily be able to get on another. Mistakes of the heart are never mistakes.

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