Thursday, June 23, 2011


The energies are affecting a lot of people right now. Stomach complaints, slight headaches, feeling a bit off balance, and just feeling plain old tired are some of the symptoms of this recent shift. I am hearing about a lot of people with colds and flu-like symptoms also.

It is important to learn to be in tune with our bodies at this critical time to avoid getting sick. As move ahead in the vibrational shift, we must keep the balance of mind, spirit AND body. Many of us would rather just do the first two and forget the body part of the equation.

The problem is that our earth is shifting in vibration…we are all aware of the changes occurring in Mother Earth. So in some degree we have to change with her as our physical bodies are connected with her.

Light Workers (that encompasses all who are reading this) are working at changing our vibration faster than the earth, so we can assist others as well as Mother Earth. That means we Must be on our game.

So when your body feels tired…rest. If your stomach is upset…nibble on a bit of ginger and do energy work on yourself. Very importantly….drink LOTS of water! Your body is shifting and the water will flush toxins out as you are working through the Ascension process. (Minimum is half your body weight in ounces daily).

Hang in there…as we move ahead it will only become more intense. If you keep your balance it will only become more beautiful and joyful!


  1. you hit it spot on!

  2. Wonderful advice. I am drinking my greens too. Great energy! :)
