Tuesday, September 6, 2011


What someone thinks about you is none of your business. Easy to say..hard to do.

There are a lot of confusing energies being thrown at us right now. We are getting our feelings hurt over little and big situations. We are compelled to justify our actions to our friends. We forget that true friends love us regardless of the circumstances surrounding us.

It is always good to clear up any misunderstandings with another person, but in some cases nothing you can say will change a their mind. That is when you send love to the situation and go on with your life. Your true friends won’t care about the drama, they will only care about you.

One needs to remember when we get our feelings hurt, we are operating out of ego. That ego is a tricky little thing that sneaks up when we least expect it!

So the next time your feelings get bruised remember…” What others think about me is none of my business!”

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