Monday, December 19, 2011


When you have a bumper sticker on your car people tend to believe you mean what it says. Sadly I have seen the worse examples of ‘Christian love’ on the road.

Today a car was changing lanes behind me trying to get in the fastest one. He quickly passed me on US1 going over 50mph as best as I can guess. I am an odometer watcher…always neurotic that I may go over the speed limit, so I was going the limit of 40mph as he whizzed past me.

I was able to observe the Nativity scene sticker on the back his car. In a few lights the traffic allowed me to pull up behind him. All that rush didn’t give him much of a lead over the drivers obeying the speed limit. I saw a bumper sticker saying, “Keep Christ in Christmas.” It was certainly safer for Christ to be in Christmas than hanging out this guy! Lol!

As the driver in front of me continued his frantic driving, switching lanes, then fading from sight, I had to wonder if he knew the damage he was doing for the faith he professed to follow.

I would encourage you to always be aware of walking or driving your talk. If you have a sign on your car that denotes peace and harmony, try driving or acting in that fashion. That will do more for the Light you wish to spread than anything you can say or stick on your vehicle.

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