Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Energies are moving so fast at times things appear to be spinning around you. Almost literally! Many people are experiencing vertigo and exhaustion. If they don’t listen to the signs of what is happening around them, they get sick.

Even if your life is not busy, remember simply going to the grocery store can be challenging for empaths right now. You can easily pick up the chaotic, frantic energy from everyone else!

This is also a time that many are sad due to separation by death, misunderstandings or distance from family members and friends.

So make sure you get plenty of rest, drink lots of extra water to flush toxic energies from your body and stay in the angel’s pyramid of protection. Stopping to breathe in Divine energies of Unconditional Love will help ground and settle you during the Holiday Season.

If you need some help or clarification with challenges please email me: morgana@morganastarr.com and we can set up a time over the phone to chat.

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