Thursday, July 7, 2011


The energies right now can be heavy. People are angry when they feel justice is not being served. When the Casey Anthony verdict came through as not guilty, there was a wave of anger throughout the media.

People picked up on it and held onto that anger. I noticed people walking around stores being angry. They would talk to others about their anger and try to pull them into that energy. Even though this anger may be justified, it was being used in a negative way.

I heard Michelle Whitedove speak about the case. As always, she is right on. In a nutshell she said the lady is guilty, but there were not enough hard facts. Karma will take care of her. In her next lifetime, she will have a heavy Karmic debt to fulfill. She said all of this with extreme love and compassion and absolutely no judgements made. Michelle has beautiful energy and always looks to the highest good.

I am concerned about the negative effects of the anger that people want to grasp onto. This is not healthy for us or the world. Many people have been very depressed in the last couple of days.

Please take time to release any judgments or anger associated with this issue. Send forgiveness and love to all involved. Even if you did not get caught up in the wave of destructive anger, by you sending this positive energy out, it will help diffuse the anger of others.

It is time for us to rise above, spread our wings and take back our power of transformational love and light!

1 comment:

  1. Um, how do you presume to know that Caylee's death was not the result of past life karma, whoever was responsible-- by accident or intentional? It is not beyond the realm of possibility that Caylee was the adult in the past life and was responsible for the other's death. The karma did not begin here.
