Monday, July 4, 2011


What do you want Independence from this coming year? Financial pressure, bad relationships, stressful jobs are all things that come to mind. But what is at the core of these issues? How can we begin to peel away the layers, so we can have our true Independence?

Consider for a moment how we beat ourselves up for not doing things a certain way, for not speaking the right words at the proper time, or for not going somewhere when we think we should have. Humans are the only beings on this planet who punish themselves more than once for doing something wrong.

When we continue to berate ourselves for our past choices, it is like we have a wooden baseball bat and are beating ourselves up. Remember life is a school yard where we learn.

So, don’t see mistakes. Decide instead to see learning lessons, interesting choices, and situations you created to help you grow.

Let us begin to gain our Independence from ourselves by choosing to see what we may have done ‘wrong’ and merely make a note of it. Then we can use these ‘mistakes’ as building blocks to create a beautiful new world in which to live.

We are the Creators of our Universe. Let us Create our Independence from the thought processes of the world, and rise to Loving ourselves as do the Angels and the Divine.

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