Saturday, July 16, 2011


I promised today to share a simple way to tune into and work with your body indicators. We all have positive and negative responses in our bodies. The important thing is to learn to key in on them and use them for our benefit.

First you must learn to find out what your particular body indicator is for negative and for positive. Everyone’s positive and negative response is a bit different. You do this by sitting quietly with your eyes closed (so you can focus more clearly inward).

First bring to your mind some thought of something that really makes you upset. Allow yourself to feel the emotion that comes with it. It needs to be something terrible…like a puppy getting hit by a car. Pay attention to how your body feels different. Is it a sick feeling in your stomach? Perhaps the hair on the back of your neck feels like it is standing on end. When you have that feeling noted in your mind, then draw a deep breath and clear it out.

Now think about something that makes you very happy. Maybe it is seeing a loved one after a long absence. Maybe it is winning a million dollars! Again, allow your body to feel the emotion, while being aware of how your body feels differently. You may experience a lightness in your heart or a tingly sensation on the inside. Make a note of that .

These are your two body indicators. Practice using them. Any time you have a decision to make, pause for a moment and focus inward. Think about the decision and see how your body feels. It will tell you if this is positive or negative for you.

You can also do this when you meet people. Your body indicators will let you know if this person will be a positive or negative influence on your life.

The more you practice with this, the stronger it will become. If you have questions about this or anything else dealing with your spiritual development, I am available for private appointments to assist you. See my website for information or email me at

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