Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Releasing Judgment

Blaming a person for any action they take in order to survive in a life filled with emotional and mental abuse, is like shooting an abused dog who runs away when you scold it. Many stay in abusive situations due to no way out. The horror they live each day is locked in their soul, as fear keeps them from revealing the depths of depravity their partner heaps upon them. Those who stay eventually die an early death caused by dis-ease within their body. 

We as spiritual people must release our critical judgmental thinking caused by societal views and outdated dogmatic religiosity. If Love is the way, then we must love our own brokenness, which causes us to strike out and judge others due to our own inner pain. This is the path to wholeness and peace with our shadow self. May you dig deep within your soul, uncover the root to your judgments of others, determine how to balance your shadow, then you will finally attain serenity. This is the path of the Masters...this is the path of Light Workers....this is the only way to save our world.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Forgive Yourself and Keep Going

"Do not be so hard on yourselves when you 'fail' at being spiritual. You are a spirit in a human body and the effort to keep focused on the spiritual is challenging at times. Remember we are here to help your wings grow. Before you know it you will be flying free!" ~AA Anael~

How many times in your life have you made a huge mistake, only to find out that it taught you a valuable lesson? Mistakes, slips and forgetfulness are only unforgivable by human standards. The angels just want to see you learn and grow. You need only ask, when you occasionally fall, and they will catch you and give you any help you require. If you were perfect, you would have nothing to learn and no reason to be here. Give yourself a break and keep trying. You are so much better than you think you are.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Angelic Guidance

"Angels make themselves available to help us throughout many circumstances in our lives. They appear to us as a kind stranger, a doctor, a voice, or even a dragon. They come in a form that we need at the time. Sometime they simply leave behind mysterious unexplainable little messages to lift our spirits."

 -Excerpt from "Angel Whispers" available at and Red Wheel Weiser-

 Angelic guidance can come in a variety of ways. Put your ego aside and listen with your heart. You may feel an urge to read a certain book, go to a particular place or call a friend or loved one. Quiet your mind and listen to what is said. It may not be what you want to hear, but it will always take you in the right direction.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Dance of Light and Dark

"It is the balance between Light and Dark, Positive and Negative which causes one to find true Divinity within one's Soul" ~Archangel Anael~

Darkness is not bad. It is, simply, not light. It should not be feared, but understood for spiritual growth and development. 

If your car made a strange noise, would you not want to fix it? Or would you turn up the radio and say, "I'm not listening!" 

You might be able to fix a small problem by facing it, and thus preventing it from turning into a bigger problem. You might learn something important in the process that can prevent future problems. 

Seemingly negative things, such as anger or fear can spur you to take action on important issues in your life. In doing so, they become your strength rather than a weakness.

Do not fear your dark side, learn from it. The angels will always be at your side to help with any problems.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Helping With Stress

Are you feeling overwhelmed? As though your wheels are spinning and yet you get nowhere? Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Turn inward and call in your angels. Ask for and give them permission to help you arrange your schedule so that you can get everything done without stress. 

They are glad to help with this, as your stress and fears take you away from your spiritual work. They are on your team and ready to help at a moment's notice. Ask them!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Break Time!

We were sent to Earth with a life mission to complete and lessons to work on. Fortunately, the Divine is a kind and compassionate boss and wants you to enjoy life while you are here. If you feel overwhelmed, ask the angels for a break.

They will help you make the time for fun and frolic that will leave you feeling refreshed, renewed and ready to work with a new-found passion. As humans, we have been given the ability to laugh and smile. If you are not using them daily, then it's time for a pleasure break.