Monday, June 30, 2014

Messages From Heaven

I wanted to share with you a little bit today about the way that those who have passed on to the other side, to Heaven, are able to let us know that they're around.

Many times your loved one, who you're missing terribly, will come in a form of something that's familiar to you, that you recognize; a sound, a specific type of smell or even a breeze. Sometimes it's just the breeze across the face that tells you that they're there.  

You might remember that they used to stroke your face or they liked a specific type of flower. That is how they let you know that they are there with you and never leave your side in times of trouble or when you really are needing them with you.

So, even though it's very heartbreaking at times when you don't have them in the physical form, know that they are always around you in spirit. They are able to help and to come in to give you comfort and to do some interceding for you in this physical realm to make your life easier.

That is one thing that I love doing and sharing with my clients how their loved one specifically comes to them and lets them know that they're having a great time they're doing well and they're there for them whenever they need them.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dealing With Negativity

"So many people are affected by the negativity around them. With Anael’s help you can protect yourself from those energies as well as heal yourself. This is done by accessing the inherent gifts of the Divine.

She wants to empower us with those gifts. These are gifts of healing, inner (psychic) sight and astral travel to name only a few."

-Excerpt from "Angel Whispers" available at and Red Wheel Weiser-

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Psychic Abilities

Everyone has psychic abilities. Some people are more gifted at seeing the future, others will be better at healing work, still others may be able to talk to and hear the voices of guides, angels and those who have crossed over.

Just as you do not have to be a professional ballerina to enjoy dancing, you don't have to be a professional psychic to use your psychic talents in your everyday life. They can help you when you need to make decisions or offer healing to friends or family members.

The first step is to quiet your mind with a regular meditation practice. If you stick with it, your psychic gifts will soon begin to emerge.

Have patience with yourself and enjoy the journey.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Angels of Monday

Your life is what you chose to make it. You can lament that it is Monday, or rejoice at the start of a glorious new week that you will fill with joy and wonder, friendship and love. What will you choose today? Happy Monday!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Little Wise Ones

What children lack in intellectual development and experience due to their young age, they often make up for in wisdom. A child has not yet had to experience the doubt and drama of adulthood and is less affected by it than his or her grown up counterparts.

Listen to the words of your children. When they are not offering you chances to learn patience and to rise above negativity, they often have very meaningful things to say. Teach them love and respect, but allow them to speak. You may find them to be wise, spiritual teachers.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Eyes of Your Heart

When we look at the world through our physical eyes, we see fear, hatred and injustice. When we look at the world with the eyes of our hearts, we see pain that needs to be healed. 

Send love to all you encounter today, and it will return to you multiplied. Do not hold expectations about this "return of love," not because it will not happen, but because your expectations will pale in comparison to the love that is coming to you. Just be open to receive it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Angels Are Waiting to Help You

"All the angels watched with interest as the Divine One brought the rest of creation into life. When humans were created, we felt joy flood our spirits as a deep love for the human race was awakened within us. They were amazing, with gifts and abilities that held no boundaries except those they set for themselves.

 Imagine our thrill when we were given the task of working directly with our beloved humans. We were to watch and give messages to people, helping them move ahead in their lives. We unveiled for them their ability to activate those gifts and abilities."

-Excerpt from "Angel Whispers" available at and Red Wheel Weiser-

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Making it Through Mercury Retrograde

I hope you are enjoying this Mercury Retrograde. It doesn’t have to be stressful if you remember the 

three “R’s.

Rest: this is not the time to move forward  or try new things. So, relax. Do what you must,  but allow 

yourself to take a spiritual vacation.

Reflect: Look back at your life. What has happened during the last few months? Look to see what is 

working for you and what isn’t. Make a plan to eliminate what no longer serves you.

Review: Now is the time to triple check your work, make detailed lists and proofread all e-mails and 

correspondences that you send out. It’s a good habit to get into anyway, but especially during this time of 

mixed messages and confusing communications.

Many people approach this time  with fear and anxiety. This is a mistake as the manifestation process is 

speeding up. Be careful that you manifest your dreams and not your fears.

You can always use Archangel Anael’s Pyramid of Protection to protect yourself from the fearful energies

 of those around you.

Monday, June 16, 2014

A Time to Look Back

During Mercury Retrograde, we are given an opportunity to look back.

If you were walking down a forest path and found that something was pulling you backward, would you not turn around to see if you were stuck in the mud or caught on a tree?

This is the opportunity you are given at this time. Release your emotional attachments, drop excess baggage and walk forward in freedom when Mercury goes direct.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Earth, Your Home

The Earth is your school, your workplace and your home. The angels have decorated it beautifully out of love for you, so that you will enjoy your experience here. You can say, “thank-you” by taking care of this beautiful planet. Pick up trash, plant trees and flowers and look out for the creatures who share our land and waterways. 

You will be rewarded by the beauty and tranquility you create with your actions of appreciation.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Angels 911

"Always we will have your back in your life battles. Just ask and we will intervene on your behalf." ~Archangel Anael~

When you are in distress or danger, immediately call upon the angels. You may get a response as a miracle, or simply, a way around the problem you hadn't considered. 

Better yet, ask for Angelic guidance before you are in a crisis. This will help you remember  that the Angels are never more than a breath away.