Thursday, March 28, 2013


The energy of the full moon is still reflecting her power towards us. Today I choose to use those energies to drop old patterns of not honoring my temple. Too often excuses have crept into my life as to why I don't stay disciplined to keep consistant with exercise. The Full Moon is about releasing what no longer serves one.

So last night I began releasing those excuses. Today I cranked up the stereo in our home dance room, complete with mirrors, sound equipment and flashing colored lights. I called in the energy of Archangel Anael and danced the goddess and serpentine. I included stretches and the Tibetan Rites.  Our little fur child (mini-dauchand pup) tried to dance with me. I danced with joy, relishing in the fact that my body is strong and healthy!

What will you release that no longer serves? What excuses are you using that block your joy? This is the time to let them go. This is the time to Dance!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


"Have the trust of a child, knowing we hold your hand and walk with you...always guiding, always loving, always protecting, always serving."

 ~Archangel Anael~

Monday, March 25, 2013


"Be aware of your thoughts, for they have power beyond your knowing. As you think, so you become."

~Archangel Anael~

Sunday, March 24, 2013


"When you come to be at peace with both sides of yourself...the masculine and feminine...the light and the dark...the power and weakness....finally you will rest in the stillness of peace the angels experience.

There is nothing or no one you need outside of yourself.

You are complete!"

~Archangel Anael~

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


"When a friend is going through a rough time, ie: divorce, job loss or instability, changing residence, caring for elderly parents or demanding children, we find it all too easy to give unsolicited advice. We can find ourselves getting angry and frustrated they are not following the way out we clearly see and have been showing them. This can cause a rift in the relationship.

Consider for a moment it is as if they have a wound on one arm and are holding it with the other hand attempting to stop the bleeding. Survival mode dictates them from allowing themselves to bleed out and die.  You in all your good intentions come to lead them out of the misery so they can heal. When you grab the hand which holds the wound, you don't understand their terror. You don't see the now unprotected wound gushes out their life force. For now they must sit and hold the wound..just surviving...until the bleeding stops. Then they can begin to heal. The slowing of the bleed is different for different people.

How amazing would it be for you to simply sit with your friend in quiet and place your hand over theirs on the wound with your other arm around them. How comforting to your friend to be loved and accepted into finding the inner strength to heal. How peaceful to know they are supported and given the time and space to gather their resources. How awesome for your friend to know when they are ready to stand, your arms will not leave them, but support their wobbly steps to healing in the direction they wish to go.

This is being a true friend. This is unconditional love. This is the way of the Angels!" ~Archangel Anael~