Friday, January 30, 2015

Releasing the Need to Prove Yourself

'When one releases the need to prove themselves to the world of who they are, they have more energy to fulfill their destiny.' ~Archangel Anael~ 
During Mercury Retrograde, we are given an opportunity to look back at past situations and relationships. Are there times when your heart told you one thing and your friends and family told you something else? Seek the truth now. Your passions are given to you for a reason. Do not hesitate to explore them because someone else told you that you shouldn't. Be who you are born to be.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Love Yourself First

The feeling of being in love can make you feel lighter than air. It can give you confidence and make you feel an incredible euphoria, almost like you are intoxicated.
Always remember that your first soulmate should always be yourself. This is not selfish. When you feel complete as a person, you will attract another who is equally fulfilled. You will add to the other's strengths rather than depend on them for strength. A relationship between two incomplete people is always bound to fail or cause unhappiness.
Love yourself first and all will fall into place.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

In Dark Times

"Even in your darkest times, we will tirelessly protect you. For you are beyond precious to our hearts." Archangel Anael

 When a situation feels impossible to overcome and you are ready to give up hope, remember that you have an army more powerful than any that has ever been created by humans on Earth. This army wants to help and always has your highest good at heart. They can be summoned at a moment's notice and can bring about a miraculous outcome that you may not have considered possible. Before you give up, look up!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Year of Change

"This is to be a year of great changes for many of you. We angels see these changes as for the good, if only you will release old energies, attachments to family and other 'friends' who are not longer seeing who you truly are. There are new ways of thinking of relationships. Stop allowing others to step over your boundaries, thinking you must be 'nice' when they make disrespectful comments to or about you. There is no need to be mean, but if you wish to fly ahead this year, there is a need to walk away from these people and not allow them power over you. Who gives them the right to tell you how to
think and live, when they walk not in your shoes? Simply turn your back on them, dance away to your happy new life as they look at you in shock at your strength. For those of you who have been unjustly hurt deeply...remember this: the greatest revenge is to live a happy, fulfilled life! Do so with gusto and live your life filled with joy as only an 'angel' can!" ~Archangel Anael

Thursday, January 8, 2015

From the Storms

"During the storms of your life, remember to reach up for your angel who is waiting to be asked for assistance." ~AA Anael~

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

An Angel Mantra

"Soft and Sweet as the Morning Breeze,
All things now come to me with Ease,
My Angels watch over me Day and Night,
Illuminating darkness with Divine Light."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year, New(er) You

As the new year begins, many of us start to think about how this one will be better than the last. Some will work hard and fight for what they want; others will visualize and try to dream it into reality.

For best results, try a bit of both. Imagine the big goal regularly. Make sure it's what you want Make sure you have room for it and are ready to accept it when it comes. Each day, do something to bring it about. A small, baby step is fine (they add up).

You may find that as the goal approaches, there will be many miracles along the way. Don't miss them!