Friday, November 30, 2012


When life is comfortable, we grow complacent. We have no reason to grow or change. When everything we need is given to us by another there is no reason to look within and change thought processes.  Without changing the way we think about ourselves, others and the world we will cease to grow spiritually.

Pain was my first friend that began my stretch.  My inherent psychic gifts were enhanced by chronic pain and de-habilitating fatigue beginning at nine years of age. In school my mind drifted to other lands of mystery and adventure. Often I was entranced as fairies danced around the feet of a teacher. While on the playground swinging ,  I conversed with the dragons that filled the air. Was it any wonder that I often heard, "She has her head in the cloud!"

Talking to people terrified me. I was unsure whether I would say or do the properly accepted thing. Trying to figure out the complexities of the world was overwhelming. I longed to be like everyone else...just to be 'normal'.

Spending time having fun going to slumber parties or other gatherings in the evenings were out of the question for me. Without my 12-16 hours of sleep, the pain the following day, would be too much almost to bear.   Happily my sleep time was filled with colorful dreams of grand adventures and flying.

I remember a day in my early teens being thrilled I had energy to work all day spring cleaning! This is what it feels like to be 'normal' my heart sang. I was devastated the next day, when I woke barely able to move. It took three days to recover from my 'normal' day.  However, during those three days and each day like that, my angels, fairies and guides were close. I could be open to hearing them, since I wasn't running around trying to be 'normal'.

I continued in this fashion for the next 15 or so years, until I quit trying to be 'normal' and embraced my spirituality. I began to use my gifts on a daily basis, making it my priority and profession.  When it is your only income, you are forced to use the gifts more, since of course there are always cases when you give it for free, as well as needing to pay bills. I raised two kids on my own with little outside help.

Now I sleep 7-8 hours a night. Power naps of 15 minutes replace the 2-3 hours naps of my past.  Pain is a distance memory.  I am still not 'normal', nor do I long for being that anymore. The gift of the chronic pain in my past showed me how to leave my body and access the realms of heaven and the angels.  When I released the dream of being 'normal', I was free to release the pain as well.

My life now is one of a balance of work, play and rest. I do my best to walk my talk. Never again do I wish to be 'normal'...I wish simply to be me!

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