Monday, November 30, 2015

De-Stressing the Holidays

As the year draws to a close and the holidays are in full swing, stress levels can rise to meet the intensity.

Stress is a choice. 

"What?" you say, "Who will bake cookies and get little Billy the most popular toy of the year so that he'll keep believing in Santa Claus? Who will stand between feuding family members and absorb all their negative emotions to keep the peace?"

How you experience these things is your choice. Ask your Angels how to de-stress your holidays. 

You might be guided to delegate, downsize or just dive right in and get things done. Decide that you will do it with joy, don't worry about how it will all come together, just love the process and building excitement.

Don't compare your holiday experience to others. They may only look happy on the outside. The only important thing is how you feel on the inside. When that feeling is good, then share it with those you love. That is the best experience of the holidays you can have.


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