It is easy to be grateful to those people and situations in your life that have brought you much joy. However, to be in a space of true gratitude, one must take the next step. That is to be grateful for those people and situations in your life that have caused you extreme pain.
How does one accomplish that? This is when you must look deeper into your life. This is the hard work on your spiritual journey.
For a moment think of a person who caused you deep emotional pain. This pain ran so deep that at the time you wondered if you would survive. At times each breath you took caused pain to sear your heart.
Can a heart bleed? You know it can by the experience you endured and survived. Yet survive you did.
Now let the person who you are today, look back at who you were before that pain entered your life. Are you the same? We know you are not. You are stronger and surer of yourself. You know that you can survive anything now. You have a sense of confidence that you did not possess prior to that experience. If you had never had this experience you would not be the person you are today.
You can be grateful for the experience and the person that assisted by inflicting that pain upon you. This is ‘going beyond’ forgiveness into a true and beautiful space of gratitude and thankfulness for everyone in your life that has helped you in your personal growth.
Take some time and thank each of these people. Be grateful for each experience that came into your life. Then be grateful for the Divine that holds you up and gives you strength as you grow beyond what you thought possible.
This is the true gratitude that the angels want you to experience.
Archangel Anael through Morgana Starr 2009
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