Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Unconditional Love

When we send love, we send it with our hearts. However, as much as we wish otherwise, it is often conditional love.

* We hope that the love we send is received in a good way.

* We want the person to be happy.
* We hope that the person feels better.
* We want the person to love us back.

As much as these are all good and positive, they are still conditions. In some small way we are attached to the outcome. In order to love unconditionally, we must just send love for the sake of love.

Alas, we live in our human bodies with our human emotions and the constraints that accompany them. So how are we to love unconditionally? Think of it this way.

First of all, what is unconditional love? That is love that is not attached to any outcome. It does not matter to the sender of the love how the love is received and what the person does with their life. There are absolutely no expectations put on the receiver of love.

Secondly, who has true unconditional love? Who can possibly love us in that way, going beyond human love? That can only be the Divine. This is the one that created us with inherent Divine capacity. Therefore we can learn to love like the Divine.

However as we are learning to bring Divinity into our essence…to be truly one with the Divine, how can we love unconditionally?

We do this by accessing the Divine. Think first of Divine love. Then think of pulling that love to and through your heart and sending it into the person whom you wish to love unconditionally. In this way you are sending Divine love through your heart to the one to which you wish to send unconditional love. This not only gives the recipient unconditional love, but also washes you with the same Divine unconditional love.

The beauty of this exercise of unconditional love is that you have Divine unconditional love coursing through your heart each time you send love to someone. Also, the more you send love in this way, the more you are bringing in the true essence of the Divine into your core. Thereby becoming One in heart and spirit with the Divine.

The more you give unconditional love in this way the more you become physical manifestation of unconditional love.

From Archangel Anael through Morgana Starr 2009

Sending you Unconditional Love on the Wings of an Angel,


1 comment:

  1. Morgana

    Great blog. Thank you for being an example of unconditional love. Christy
