Wednesday, May 2, 2012


If we are truly Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience…why are we so quick to run in there to ‘fix’ the human experience for someone. Perhaps we should consider that our ‘fixing’ is meddling in their Spirit’s Evolution. They may need to go through emotional or physical pain for the sake of their soul. 

True healers have no ego or agenda. They facilitate healing of the spirit first. Then the outer core (the human shell or vehicle) can begin to heal. What has to be considered is that though a client may say they want healing they really may not. That is when a healer must learn to detach and let the client participate in the healing they need.  

It isn’t easy emotionally to heal past abuses from one’s life…this life or previous ones. It is also challenging to change thought patterns and habits in one’s life. Many times we will pull back to us someone or experience that we are comfortable with just as we are beginning to ascend to a higher vibration. This is why an abused woman will return to the one that abuses her.

Remember abuse comes in many forms. Sometimes it is physical. Most of the time it comes in belittling the person. Emotionally and mentally putting the other person down, so they feel they cannot live without their abuser is the most vicious form of abuse.

I pulled that energy to me over and over again in my past. I even let it extend to my work relationships as well as my girlfriends. It is so hard to break that energy pull. But as long as we invite that energy into our lives we are tying the wings of our angels, so they cannot help us.

As I peeled the layers of past life memories, healing them…I began to feel lighter. Then I began to heal from issues in this lifetime. Slowing I began to worry less about what others thought of me. I kept my focus on the angels and feeling peaceful.

Yes, there are times that I still feel the pull of drama. For being a victim one stays in a place of drama. I miss the familiarity of the energy. Not struggling is a new sensation for me.  But haven’t we come here to experience all aspects of life?

I don’t know about you….but I have experienced enough drama and emotional abuse. I am ready to experience love and peace now.

1 comment:

  1. You got it Girl.I loved the way you explained simply a complex human relationship..Sometimes Souls incarnate together in a relationship were the abuser in a past life becomes the victim in this life drama...but once the lession is learned then move on ..get out of the drama move on with the Souls growth.............Bill I.......:)
