Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Children... Children...They pull at our heart strings. We devote our lives to them. They grow up and leave the nest. Sometimes they return. Sometimes they linger in the nest longer than is comfortable for them and us. Then resentment overflows into the home causing unnecessary strife.

When they are young, like all young creatures, they are adorable. As they experience growing pains, we experience it with them. We call them 'our' children. But they are not 'ours'. They are only in our charge for a few years. 

When they turn eighteen years of age, we continue to try to own them by telling them how to run their lives. We tell ourselves it is because we are wiser and know better. In actuality it is because we have issues with control. We are not respecting them as adults whom are to learn and grow in their own way with the experiences they invite into their lives.

The hardest part is when we have children or grandchildren that are under eighteen. We feel it is our responsibility to take care of them. Circumstances at times are created in our lives that pull those children from us. Then we live in a world of guilt and misery. 

We forget the grand scheme of life here on this planet. The game that goes beyond the physical and into the realm of spirit. Our children are spirits just as much as are we. They had a part in the contract that was woven into our blueprint. They decided they would be our teachers as much as we would teach them.

They are assisting us in learning about true unconditional love (love with no control), forgiveness of others and ourselves, letting go of expectations, and allowing each person to exemplify their own idea of Divinity.

We have lived many lifetimes. In many of those lifetimes we have had children and grandchildren. Perhaps even hundreds over the centuries. This lifetime these souls chose to re-incarnate with us and we with them. Be grateful for the experience. 

Remember they are on their own path. We must release them to learn what they need...even if that means their lives no longer weave back into our lives. For in another lifetime we will greet them again, though in another role in the game of life...perhaps as good friends or parents. But whatever role that will take...it will better because of letting your children be their own person in this lifetime.

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