Sunday, May 19, 2013


What do you want in your life? Are you unsure and waiting for Spirit to put you in the best place? Have you noticed how some people drive and drive around a parking lot looking for the perfect spot? If they had picked a spot, even at a distance, they would already have walked to the door of their destination in the time it takes for them continuing to circle the lot. 

How many of us do that in our own lives? Continuing to wander aimlessly in our lives, just waiting for the right situation to suddenly appear from the ethers! Unbeknownst to us Spirit is watching us, just shaking its head. Perhaps the thought is something like this, "If only they would make a decision on what they want in their lives, I could create a way for that to happen. But since they aren't  making up their minds...I might as well not waste any effort!"
Now is the time to make a decision, my friends. Spirit is ready to help and support you in this. I also am at your service to assist you with direction and affirmations to create the reality you wish and deserve in this game we call 'life'.

Call or email me to set a time when I can help you.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


"When you view life through the eyes of a child's joy and imagination, you bring the kingdom of heaven into your spirit."

~Archangel Anael~

Thursday, May 16, 2013


"Let the energy of the angels surge through you, electrifying you, making you strong and powerful."

~Archangel Anael~

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


My dear friend and extraordinary massage therapist, Eileen Jacobs, shared some words with me today on the subject of love and self respect. "Saying Yes to yourself sometimes means saying no to others."

This is hard for most of us to hear. We have been taught that saying no to someone who needs help or wants something from you is wrong or rude.  Often it takes us getting sick or injured to begin to set boundaries that should have been set a long time previously.

Care givers, therapists, psychics, councilors and many others have an extra hard time with these boundaries. As a Psychic Medium my work entails helping and giving on a daily basis. Many like me go above and beyond, sometimes to their detriment. Even Edgar Casey was told to do only two appointments a day. His wonderful heart couldn't bear the pain in the world, so he pushed beyond what spirit told him. This was a big cause to his life being cut short on the earth plane.

Consider when you say 'no' to someone, not only are you honoring yourself with 'Self-Care',  but you are also allowing them to stretch and grow on their own. Too often we hinder their growth, by 'always being there for them.'  You also teach by example how to honor and respect oneself.  It will give you more energy to actually be of service when the need arises.

My best friends are the ones I don't see or even talk to on a daily basis.  When we do get together, it is like we have never been apart. We have busy lives and respect the need each other has for 'down time.'  I even had one friend tell me that was the reason she was able to continue a close and precious friendship with me...because of that mutual respect.

Let the remainder of this year be about 'Self Care'. If setting boundaries like this are new to you, then you will feel like you are being selfish. That is okay...just always honor and respect yourself first, then you can honor and respect others in a more wholesome way.  Now go do something just for you!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


"Even angels are stronger united. Look for your common ground and spend no time in criticizing each other. Unite with those who lift you higher as you do the same for them."

~Archangel Anael~

Monday, May 13, 2013


"When one ignites the truth within...illuminating dark corners of souls begins. Look not for harm in others to receive...but only for all, the truth to perceive."

 ~Archangel Anael~

Friday, May 10, 2013


"It is in the times of quiet we are able to see and feel our angel wings. Stop rushing about so, and listen to our whispers. It is then you will begin to activate your true power." 

 ~Archangel Anael~

Thursday, May 9, 2013


"Surrounded in Light, Surrounded in Sound...Let the Energy of the Angels keep your safely Bound, Wrapped up in our deepest love, Straight from Divine's heart above." 

~Archangel Anael~

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"Your angel will never let you fall!"

~Archangel Anael~

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"Never fear. We angels are on the front lines with those you hold dear."

~Archangel Anael~

Monday, May 6, 2013


"Angels can clear your path in life when you must go through challenging times. All the conflict and drama that others try to bring to the surface for you can be overcome by letting the angels help you set strong boundaries. Some people no longer serve a positive purpose in your life. It is time to release them and forge ahead. The Angels of Light, the Elohim, will help you through."

                          ~Archangel Anael~


This year is a time of change and renewal. It isn't easy to let some people go in our lives. However, it is important. Consider if the person is bringing enlightenment to you. Perhaps the turmoil they bring helps stretch your thinking and helps you become a better person. Or instead regardless of their perception of why they stir up conflict, their energy brings unnecessary drama into your life.

Light Workers do not have to argue or be upset in order to do shadow work (bringing dark sides of yourself to the surface to heal). Light Workers can heal by simply setting boundaries and keeping themselves only around those of the same or a higher vibration then are they. This allows them a safe place to explore their impatience, fears and worries and begin to find new ways to deal with them in a peaceful calm way.

As always the angels will help you do this work. Ask them to help you as you as you meditate and journal.  It will surprise you how enlightening this will be. This connection with the angels will give you the strength you need to cut 'well-meaning' people out of your life as well as heal without more injury to yourself.

I am always available by appointment via phone or in person to assist you on this journey and your connection with the angels.

Friday, May 3, 2013


"Rise above the drama of the world by seeing things from the perspective of the angels.

Release all fear, worry and guilt for these energies can weigh you down. You have no need of concerns of this nature. Your only thought should be of love."

~ Archangel Anael~

Thursday, May 2, 2013


"This world is a scenario of 'conflict'. Even relations with those we love are filled with 'conflict'. Albeit that isn't necessarily a bad thing for it only by experiencing 'conflict' that we can fully learn about the true nature of ourselves." 


When people have disagreements and misunderstandings 
to remain in the Light within their souls, they must be careful how they handle themselves. This can even be issues with another Light Worker (for Light Workers are still in human form). The true nature of a person's heart is unveiled in how one deals with those conflicts.

Some whom perceive themselves grievously wronged will set out to gain sympathy from others. This is done instead of talking about the issues with the other. Sometimes even in talking there can be no agreement. But then it is time to agree to disagree in love and keep one's focus on the mission of Love and Light.  

Sadly, some whom claim to work for the Light, play the 'victim' role in order to get people to rally around them. They use the 'martyr' card to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them. Justifying one's self by saying mean things about another shines the light on one's true nature...showing they are not working with the Divine Light.

In order to be a true Light Workers, one must step back and in spite was what is said about them, remain silent. This is not an easy path, as Ego likes to raise it's ugly head, telling one to be concerned how others think of them. However, this is an opportunity to allow one's inner Light to overcome Ego, and put the focus back on the mission at hand (not on the messenger)...the mission of spreading Love and Light!

All Light Workers succumb to Ego from time to time, falling off the path. Remember to love yourself back to the Light and begin again. 

Shine on, my Friends!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Memories are interesting things. Sometimes a memory in your distant past is jarred by a picture. Today I saw a picture of New York...the Statue of Liberty, specifically.
It reminded me of my only trip to New York. I was eighteen months old. My mother, father and older brother were preparing for our first trip to Africa via boat ride. I wandered off while browsing in a store. My father found me as I was running down a sidewalk screaming. To prevent me from getting separated from them again...they bought me a harness.   I managed to break it on the boat ride to Africa. 
Also, I flirted my way into the Captain's heart and at his dinner table where we were special guests, I had my first taste of champagne! Bless my parent's hearts. Here they were on their way to be missionaries to an isolated area of Africa and their baby daughter is drinking champagne!
The personality one has as a child, though the world may try to control it, never leaves a person. With the help of the Angels it can be reborn in a beautiful way, allowing you the freedom to stretch your wings and fly! I never fit in the box of religious ideas, and never will. Thank goodness the Angel's spirituality is far beyond religious dogma. I choose to fly with them...come join me!