Answer from Anael channeled through Morgana Starr:
"You have a right to choose when and how you wish to incarnate on this earth dimension. From the view of heaven souls look through the veil and decide their path (blueprint) for their next lifetime. However, most souls wish to rest, recuperate and shift their vibration before returning to earth's more challenging energies. Time in heaven is different than time on earth.
There are some rare cases when a soul will re-incarnate within a period of what you know as a lifespan. Those very few angels which choose to embody humans in order to help understand and assist humans is one rare case. They have but a breath in heaven, then choose a new body to incarnate. (More info about this in 'Angel Whispers', book by Morgana Starr)
One other which happens occasionally is when the soul sees something important coming up in the human society. This enlightened soul knows that by being a part of this event, he/she could effectively shift the course of history for the Light. This very special soul will volunteer for the task and return to earth without the several earth years time of recouping in heaven.
For an assignment of this magnitude, many angels will attach to this soul to help him/her accomplish the mission. As a special dispensation, there will be special angels who will hold the space for this soul in heaven in order to help their loved ones, from the life he/she just left, into the realms of heaven.
So, my Dear One, if your child as ascended to the kingdom of heaven before you....and a Medium tells you he is no longer there, but has re-incarnated. Rejoice! For your child is very of the few whose heart is aligned with the angels. (More info on traits with those aligned with Angelic Energy in 'Divine Footprints Upon the Earth', pdf by Morgana Starr) One of the few who would affect the outcome of the human race for the good. Have no worries. His angel friends will welcome you in heaven....then they will show you how to connect through the veil and assist him with his glorious mission on earth. "
~Archangel Anael~
"Soul is Eternal, Re-uniting us Above...And we will always Return to those that we Love. Wipe your Tears Away...Sorrow is not here to Stay. Our Love Unites the World and Erases all the Pain." ~ Morgana Starr and Cheryl Kaldahl
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