Monday, April 14, 2014

Cutting Karmic Cords

Hello, I'm Morgana Starr,  your psychic medium and angel communicator.
 I'd like to share with you a little information about how to cut the ties between you and another person.
This can be somebody that you have loved and the relationship is over, but you keep thinking about the person and you need to just get them out of your life.

It can also be with a child with whom you want a more healthy relationship because you're pushing each other's buttons, and you want it to be more pure.

So, what I have my clients do is to visualize that person sitting in front of them and a cord between the two of them.

The angels will come and take that cord and cut it in two and then bring it up to the Heart of the Divine.

I'm going to guide you through it, now.

I want you to get into a meditative state. Close your eyes, focus in more, and listen to some music maybe some nice scents, or incense or whatever helps you get into that state.

Now, as you're breathing in deep and slow, I want you to visualize the energy of that person in front of you.
and as you see the person in front of you, watch a cord between the two of you.

Pay attention to the color, the thickness and to the texture.

Now we're going to ask the angels to come and hold the cord in the middle and then another angel will come and cut the cord, right in the center.

Then those angels immediately, are going to take those cords up to the heart of the Divine Source.

Here, it's going to hold fast, and firm always connected. Now, when you think about this person, your love, and energy will go up to the Divine. It will be filtered through that Divine, pure unconditional love, down to that person.

Now, for a moment, I want you to look at your cord. Just look at yours.

Look at the color, look at the texture, and look at the thickness, and know, now, that you are connected through pure Divine love and not back and forth to each other.

You may have to do this cord cutting, a few times especially if you were in a very strong, long, long relationship and you had many past lives together.The tentacles of energy can be thrown out again
so, you may have to repeat this a few times, or once a week or even once a day for a while. You'll know.
when it's passed. 
So, give that a try and if I can help you any more, please check out my website: MORGANASTARR.COM and I'll be there to help you in any way that I can.

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