Friday, February 27, 2015

When Times Are Tough

"We are going through some rough times right now. The wheat is being shaken loose from the chaff. Which one will you be? Remember the Angels are here to support you, just ask us for help and we will be there!" ~Archangel Anael~

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Angels Around You

"Throughout the eons of time we angels have been here with you. Some of us walked with you as embodied humans. This helped all angels to understand your pain to be of better assistance in your life. Please let us assist you...just ask and we will be there." ~Archangel Anael~

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Everyday Blessings

"Look for the miracles in simple things, like how a flower blossoms. Then you will be able to see miracles in all things." ~Anael~

If you want to bring miracles into your life, begin by being grateful for the smaller blessings and things of beauty around you. The Universe will respond by bringing you more things to appreciate.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


"You chose this life because you wanted a challenge. You wanted to grow your soul. You desired to move to the next spiritual level. It isn't always easy. You would not become a different or more evolved being without having challenges to overcome in your life. Remember, we angels understand and honor your choices. We will always be there to assist is you but ask us." ~Archangel Anael~

Monday, February 23, 2015

Be Careful What You Wish For

If you find that your every wish is not fulfilled, it is not because the angels are angry with you. They can see your life from a higher perspective and know the best direction for you to take. They may try to guide you away from trouble, even if it feels like something you may want. Just as a loving parent will grab a child's hand before it touches a hot stove, they will discourage you from putting yourself in harm's way. You do have free will and if you insist, they will allow it, but this type of lesson is difficult and not recommended. When you come up against a road block, look around. You may actually be on the wrong road.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Be Wild!

The weekend is here! Do something wild and fun that feeds your Spirit! Then take that feeling with you always!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Going Higher

The angels never leave your side and are always available to help you, but they cannot do this alone. You must reach up to request their help and they will reach down to offer it. They love you too much to interfere with your free will choices to make your life harder, but if you ask them they can help you find a better way.
One way to reach up is to express gratitude. You may not feel grateful if you are asking for help, but if you are alive and breathing, you have things to be grateful for. List everything you can think of mentally or on paper. You will soon begin to feel lighter and resonate better with angelic energy. Try it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New Energies, New Emotions

"Your energies are changing and causing your emotions to turn on you as you adjust to the new vibration. Take time to rest and allow the Angels to activate your Light Body to its true Potential." ~AA Anael~

Making an omelette requires breaking eggs and making a mess of the kitchen. Painting requires mixing and redoing work on canvass.
Great changes can feel chaotic, but keep breathing and trust. You might just be the masterpiece the angels are working on.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

True Beauty

The person most critical of your appearance is you. Those who love you can see the beautiful soul inside. Those who would criticize you are seeing their own insecurities. The angels see a beautiful being of love and light and their love is so powerful and unconditional that our human minds can't comprehend it.
 The best make up you can ever wear is a smile and the knowledge that you are Divinely loved without limits.

Monday, February 16, 2015

No Request Unanswered

"In the midst of all the storms and stresses in your lives, remember we Angels are here to comfort and assist...just ask..." ~Archangel Anael~

Angels are never too busy to help when you need it. There are many helping those affected by the severe winter storms and an infinite number available to help the rest of the world with problems, suffering and stress. If you call, an angel will always come to help.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Appearance of Angels

Angels take many forms in order for you to understand and access your true power.....we see them in our 'minds eye' (imagination). Close your eyes, so you can truly see what the angels have sent to help you.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

In Dark Times

"In your darkest hour, we Angels shine the brightest to light your way." ~AA Anael~

The angels can bring you through any situation, no matter how hopeless it seems. Have faith and call to them. Then relax and watch the miracles happen.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Time to Lighten Up!

The angelic path is not about sorrow and suffering, but rather about lightness, and joy. Life is a game. Games are for playing. Play is fun! Challenges may come your way as they often do in games, but approach them as you would if playing a board game with friends. Scratch your head, smile, roll the dice and ask your invisible playing partners for help when you need it.
Mercury Retrograde is almost over! It's time to let go of the past and fly!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Angel "Religion"

The angels only religion is love. There are no doctrines to follow or sins to be forgiven. There are only lessons to be learned and hearts to be healed. There is no message to preach. Simply, live your life as the angels guide you to and follow their example to "Love all and serve all."
The angels only want to spread love and peace. They do not require you to gather followers or convince others of their existence. Simply, live your life in love, peace and happiness. If others ask, you can share about your angelic friends, but do not force the message upon them. Free will is our birthright that the angels fiercely protect.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Angelic Perspective of Suicide

Angelic Perspective of Suicide: I don't believe in a Christian version of hell. No true loving god would send any soul there. However, since I am a Medium, I have seen the world between this one and heaven. To me I would describe it as hell. I call it 'the grey world'. With the help of the angels, I have rescued many souls from this place and assisted them to the light. Some were suicides. Some felt they were too bad to go to heaven, since their religious dogma had taught them that. Some, when they saw they Light thought it was hell and were too frightened to cross over. The disbelief they express when told they are loved by god is huge. When they are able to see a loved one or a beloved pet on the other side, they can finally cross to heaven. Being a very strong Empath myself, I totally understand the feeling of wanting to end it all. I did not know at the time I had those thoughts/plans...that I was feeling other people's feelings as well as my own despair. I responded so strongly to other people's pain, emotional and physical, that I manifested the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The amazing angel I work with showed me a meditation to protect and shield myself. She also taught me not to 'grow roots to mother earth' to ground, as I was picking up the pain of the earth. Here it is...only 2 min.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Seeking Balance

"It is the balance between Light and Dark, Positive and Negative which causes one to find true Divinity within one's Soul" ~Archangel Anael~
To seek only the light or the dark is to be blinded. It is only when both are present that beautiful patterns, colors and shapes can be seen. 

This does not mean that you should seek to do harm or look for trouble. It means that you need to shine a light upon the darkest parts of yourself to see what needs to be healed.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

In the Midst of Battle

Do you feel like you've been through a battle? We are right in the middle of another Mercury Retrograde. Take some time to reflect on the events of the last couple of weeks. What stories and dramas are being told around you? Which relationships are resurfacing from the past? This is an opportunity to finish, heal and release them for good.This is the blessing of Mercury Retrograde. Time to drop your excess baggage so you can fly!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Creating the Life You Want

What do you want in your life? Begin by doing active things to create it. Buy the right clothes, flowers, or a music instrument. Print pictures of what you want to have or become. Then be excited about it already happening. I began writing 10 years ago and always saw my book in Barnes and Nobel in my mind's eye. That has happened. Now I am focusing on the next step to get the message of the Angels to the world. In the meantime, I focus on balance and a peaceful retreat in my life. What do you want to manifest in your life?