Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Conflict Resolution

When you find yourself in a conflict with another, stop for a minute and think about your end goal. 

Is it more important for you to win, or to have peace?

Winning an argument does not make the other person right, it just ends the argument. The "losing" party usually feels resentful and angry. 

Think about your relationship with this person. Is it worth winning or continuing the fight until bitterness ensues?

There are times when you must stand up for yourself, but if this conflict isn't one of them, it's okay to back down. It is an act of love for both you and the other person. 

It does not change who you are, in fact, it makes you a bigger person. 

Choose your battles. Not all of them need to become wars. A truce can lead to peace. But someone must make the first move. That is usually the braver of the two.

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