Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Go For the Burn!

The best and most exciting parts of your life take place outside of your comfort zone.

Think of a difficult exercise class you've taken either in person or on video.

When another person is in charge, it is much easier to exit your physical comfort zone. You will continue on further than if you were exercising on your own.

A good exercise is to learn to leave your comfortable place without the pushing of another. Pick something you do regularly: journaling, exercise or meditation, for example. If you're writing go beyond your selected number of words, if you're walking or lifting weights, do another lap when you've reached your exhaustion point, or another set. If you meditate for five minutes, hang in for ten or fifteen.

When you make it a daily practice to push yourself just beyond the limit of what you think you can do, you build muscles. Muscles can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

Push yourself, gently beyond your comfort zone every day. Small pushes build and become bigger ones. Soon your soul will be healthy and buffed. Lol.

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