I am sure you have heard that phrase before. When I go out with my friends and try to drag them onto the dance floor, they say they must have a few drinks first.
I just laugh and say, “I don’t drink and dance! “
After having had my healing experience with dance, I use dance and music to continue my healing on a regular basis.
We are not solid beings. Our bodies constantly vibrate. When I hear music….any music, I feel the energy and let it flow through my body healing and clearing. If there is an opportunity to dance, I will dance.
I pick a beat. Whether the music is slow or fast, I dance slowly. I let my body move as if the air is a thick liquid. My hands and fingers reach out and pull positive energies from the elements and from Spirit. Then I bring it into me, etherically weaving and healing my auric field. I move the energy throughout my chakras intertwining them as I awaken the Kundalini. Then I take those energies, transmute them and send them out to whoever needs them in the crowd.
In my trance state when I dance, I am not aware of what anyone else is doing.
A few years ago that was brought to my attention, when in the middle of dancing, some dude came up to me. It jolted me a bit as he whispered in my ear, “What are you doing?”
“Dancing,” was my smiling reply and I went back into my trance.
After the song was over, I stopped and noticed there was a semi-circle of people standing, smiling and watching me.
As my friend escorted me to my seat, he said, “It was cool how everyone was watching you and clapping to the beat as you danced.”
I was surprised. My focus was on my own inner healing and sending that healing out to all the people there. There were a lot of people there that had issues that were heavy and unhappy. It did please me that in their own way, they felt the healing energy I was sending to them.
My point in this story is “dance like no one is watching”. The healing power of music and dance is amazing when you use it in this way. This is what I teach in my Sacred Healing Dance Workshops.
I will be out tonight for Halloween, dancing and sending healing energies inward and outward. I challenge you all to begin to do the same when you dance. The world needs our healing energies.