Friday, October 29, 2010


“Dance like there is no one watching.”

I am sure you have heard that phrase before. When I go out with my friends and try to drag them onto the dance floor, they say they must have a few drinks first.

I just laugh and say, “I don’t drink and dance! “

After having had my healing experience with dance, I use dance and music to continue my healing on a regular basis.

We are not solid beings. Our bodies constantly vibrate. When I hear music….any music, I feel the energy and let it flow through my body healing and clearing. If there is an opportunity to dance, I will dance.

I pick a beat. Whether the music is slow or fast, I dance slowly. I let my body move as if the air is a thick liquid. My hands and fingers reach out and pull positive energies from the elements and from Spirit. Then I bring it into me, etherically weaving and healing my auric field. I move the energy throughout my chakras intertwining them as I awaken the Kundalini. Then I take those energies, transmute them and send them out to whoever needs them in the crowd.

In my trance state when I dance, I am not aware of what anyone else is doing.

A few years ago that was brought to my attention, when in the middle of dancing, some dude came up to me. It jolted me a bit as he whispered in my ear, “What are you doing?”

“Dancing,” was my smiling reply and I went back into my trance.

After the song was over, I stopped and noticed there was a semi-circle of people standing, smiling and watching me.

As my friend escorted me to my seat, he said, “It was cool how everyone was watching you and clapping to the beat as you danced.”

I was surprised. My focus was on my own inner healing and sending that healing out to all the people there. There were a lot of people there that had issues that were heavy and unhappy. It did please me that in their own way, they felt the healing energy I was sending to them.

My point in this story is “dance like no one is watching”. The healing power of music and dance is amazing when you use it in this way. This is what I teach in my Sacred Healing Dance Workshops.

I will be out tonight for Halloween, dancing and sending healing energies inward and outward. I challenge you all to begin to do the same when you dance. The world needs our healing energies.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


The full Aries moon last Friday brought with it uncomfortable fiery energies. Venus being in Retrograde only added to relationship issues. (Venus remains this way through November 18).

However, this was an opportune time to use that fire in our spirits to move forward and clear out blockages in our lives.

What has been holding you back? What emotions have caused you to make decisions that are negative to you in the grand scheme of life?

These emotions can cause you to react instead of respond. Your stomach churns in knots and you lose your focus. Is this helpful to your growth, you ask?

Only when you can go deep within and see the core of why your emotions are activated, can you begin to heal. This is difficult work. You see things about yourself you may not like.

However, when you can love yourself, in spite of it, you can heal and move beyond to a place of perfect peace. Then you will be responding in love, rising above in vibration…a little closer to the world of the Angels.

If you went through a rough time last week, but are beginning to feel more settled…then congratulations! You peeled off another layer of the heavy human part of who you are, so you can be more truly lined up with your Divine Blueprint.

Continue to use the energies of the full moon for the next couple of weeks to let go of past destructive patterns within your core. That way when the new moon arrives, you can be in a clear space of projecting positive intentions into your life.

If you need assistance in releasing blockages or gaining some direction, please call me: 321-506-1143 to make an appointment. I can work with you over the phone or in the Angel Prayer Room at Café Unique in Cocoa Village. Available evenings and weekends by appointment.

Remember one of the messages of the Angels is to enjoy life! So enjoy Halloween, as the veil between the two worlds is at its thinnest of the year.

This makes it an extra good time to be in touch with someone that has passed into spirit. I am available to help with that also.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Healing from Fibromyalgia

This is my story of how I discovered sacred dance and helped heal my Fibromyalgia. It was such a turning point in my life that I now teach how to bring the practice of healing to sacred dance.

(If you are interested in attending a Sacred Dance Workshop, see the schedule on my website,

I had no idea that what happened below was possible. It didn’t occur to me that something as simple as following as my inner guidance would make such a difference in my life, and in my work. I feel I've been given a valuable tool to add to my already abundantly filled toolbox.

I wrote this blog post so you can get a glimpse of what I felt and know what is possible for you, too.

If you are interested in attending a Sacred Dance Workshop, the next classes are during a FULL MOON to work with their energies:

RISING SUN EMPORIUM , November 19, 7-8:30pm, 501 Florida Ave, Cocoa Village, Cost $25.00

CASSADAGA HOTEL, November 20th, 7-9pm

386-228-2323,Cost $25.00

Fibromyalgia can be debilitating. At times pain can follow every step you take. One doctor told me that I had lived with pain so long that I thought it was normal. I pursued many natural and spiritual healing methods. Some helped, some did little to lessen the chronic pain.

This brings me to a time that I released the control that Fibromyalgia held over me. I was at a festival that included sacred dance at a healing fire.

The Fibro pain was at an all time high. Every muscle and joint screamed in pain. I stood outside the circle watching the dancers weave through each other. I called out from deep within my spirit to be released from the pain.

A gentle feeling washed over me bringing tears that began to flow down my face. Being a healer, I was used to helping others. I felt drained of any ability to assist anyone and this brought me much sorrow.

One sweet lady came up to me, holding my face and sang to the beat of the drum. “Take what you need, give what you can. Your tears are your gift for Mother Earth. Take from Spirit what you need to heal.”

As she danced off, I took her words to heart. I slowly made my way into the circle of the dance. A deep breath brought in the energy of the angel Anael. I felt her energy tingle through every part of my body.

In front of me I saw three female spirit guides. One carried fiery energy of setting boundaries for myself, one was gentle enfolding me in love and the other exuded a warrior energy for others. They joined hands with each other and with me. We danced, slow and graceful. I felt their energy surge through me chasing out pain and weariness.

Anael breathed each breath with me and I felt her heart beat as one with mine. I was lost in a world of beauty and unconditional love.

Several hours later, I found that I had no pain. I was filled with a peace that I had never experienced.

A couple of ladies approached me and said, “Your dancing was so beautiful!” I was surprised because I had forgotten there was anyone around except for Anael and my three spirit guides.

“It seemed as if you were dancing with someone else,” they continued a bit perplexed.

I smiled and shared with them my healing experience in the hopes that they too could learn to dance with the angels and their guides and shift their lives.

I continue to live a life free from the shackles of Fibromyalgia, as long as I keep the energy of Anael within and dance with my guides. This brings to my life balance, peace and healing.

Morgana Starr 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Past life healing is not all sunshine and roses. Sometimes it is filled with the darkness of thorns that must be removed before you can enjoy the aroma of the magnificent roses.

I have traversed down the corridors of countless past lives. Remembering, reliving and healing each one. Some were bittersweet, some loving, some downright horrific.

The memories of these lives are stored in our cellular DNA. Many times chronic physical pain is a manifestation of past life trauma that needs healing.

Such was my case as I visited Muhammad in Cocoa Village for massage therapy to relieve a pain on the left side of my hip. Muhammad is a gentle, loving soul backed by extensive knowledge of healing through massage therapy and other modalities.

Having been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I have discovered that balance and caring for my physical body is part keeping that issue in the far background. Many Light Workers forget about the Body part of the Mind, Body and Spirit.

So along with nourishing my temple/body with good food, moderate exercise…massage therapy has been a part of my regime for many years. It balances energies, helps with circulation and many times facilitates in cellular release.

This brings me to my experience with Muhammad. Since I had previously released so many past lives, I went into this massage expecting only physical issues to be addressed. Muhammad began the massage by slathering my back with lavender oil and a moist heat pack. He stepped out the room for a couple of minutes as I relaxed in comfort.

Then one of his guides stepped into the room. He is of Oriental descent and I have met him in the past. He is a Master Guide and only works with true healers with pure hearts. He told me that he has worked with Muhammad for most of his life. He communicated to me that he would assist in my healing that Muhammad would facilitate.

Shortly after Muhammad began the massage, the tears of release started flowing. I told Muhammad that I was releasing some past life stuff. He compassionately put some tissues in my hand and continued quietly with the massage as I sobbed. When he reached the hip area the emotional pain opened like a raging river flowing through opened flood gates.

Muhammad knowing this was something I needed to release quietly continued his work, awakening cellular memory as his guide whispered to me to let go and forgive.

I had been taken back to a Tibetan time, centuries ago. Our village was invaded. Men held me by my hair and arms forcing me to watch as my captured husband was drawn and quartered by four horsemen running in opposite directions. Then our baby was held by his ankles and split open down the center of his tiny body. Ignoring my screams I was violated over and over by many men. They did not let me die, however I longed for the release of death. They chained my ankles and kept me a prisoner for their vile lustful abuse. My will to live had left, however and I only lived a short time until I was able to escape the torture through death.

After seeing all this, I was gently guided back through it again, so I could forgive all involved. I kept hearing Muhammad’s guide whisper gently, “No one will ever make you do something you do not wish to do again. You are safe.”

I was able to accomplish the task and the tears stopped flowing. Muhammad gently concluded the massage with oils and heat pack making me feel safe and comforted.

This was something that I needed to release. It took the energies of a male that wanted nothing from me. Muhammad had no expectations from me and did not even intrude to ask me what my past life regression dealt with. He is a true healer. He is a facilitator of whatever inner healing you need to do. We are blessed to have him as a part of our community.

Please have no worries….all past life regressions are not so intense. I have lived hundreds of lifetimes and remember many of them. This is because in order to do the work that has been set in front of me, I must remember all the pain and horrors and overcome them. This is the only way I can truly understand and be compassionate with others. It also helps me with my own empowerment which has taken even a stronger turn since this healing work.

Though I can take a person through a past life regression and healing, if you know the steps to do, you can accomplish the same through someone of Muhammad’s caliber. There are several in the area that you may have experienced, but I can only write of my experience.

Of course, a massage does not always elicit this deep of a release. It is like layers on the onion. I pursue the deep healing. I go back to see him in a couple of days and we will see what happens then.

Check him out on or call him 321-631-5678.