Thursday, October 28, 2010


The full Aries moon last Friday brought with it uncomfortable fiery energies. Venus being in Retrograde only added to relationship issues. (Venus remains this way through November 18).

However, this was an opportune time to use that fire in our spirits to move forward and clear out blockages in our lives.

What has been holding you back? What emotions have caused you to make decisions that are negative to you in the grand scheme of life?

These emotions can cause you to react instead of respond. Your stomach churns in knots and you lose your focus. Is this helpful to your growth, you ask?

Only when you can go deep within and see the core of why your emotions are activated, can you begin to heal. This is difficult work. You see things about yourself you may not like.

However, when you can love yourself, in spite of it, you can heal and move beyond to a place of perfect peace. Then you will be responding in love, rising above in vibration…a little closer to the world of the Angels.

If you went through a rough time last week, but are beginning to feel more settled…then congratulations! You peeled off another layer of the heavy human part of who you are, so you can be more truly lined up with your Divine Blueprint.

Continue to use the energies of the full moon for the next couple of weeks to let go of past destructive patterns within your core. That way when the new moon arrives, you can be in a clear space of projecting positive intentions into your life.

If you need assistance in releasing blockages or gaining some direction, please call me: 321-506-1143 to make an appointment. I can work with you over the phone or in the Angel Prayer Room at Café Unique in Cocoa Village. Available evenings and weekends by appointment.

Remember one of the messages of the Angels is to enjoy life! So enjoy Halloween, as the veil between the two worlds is at its thinnest of the year.

This makes it an extra good time to be in touch with someone that has passed into spirit. I am available to help with that also.

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