Wednesday, December 5, 2012


"Too many times you look outside yourselves for the reasons you are not happy. "Someone betrayed us, someone abandoned us, someone was mean to us, life is just so unfair and so hard!" So goes your thought patterns.  This keeps you in an endless spiral of misery.

Now is the shakeup time. This is the time to take responsibility for oneself. You CAN be in charge of your lives. You have need only to look within. It takes a brave and courageous soul to look within one's own heart. Look deep. See your own pain. See how your pain made you strong. Keep the strength and let go of the pain. There is no need to wallow in it any will pull you down to the depths of despair.  Have you not spent enough time there?

As I said...this work is for the brave. Only those who quit focusing on the perceived wrongs inflicted by others and life in general will be able to ascend to the new world of love and peace.  Constant drama has no place in this new world. It has been your comfort of the past. If you did not personally have drama, you went to find another's drama with which to share. You must stop inviting it back, thinking it gives you a sense of power due to the attention gained by it in your life.  As it appears, immediately learn the lesson, release the drama and dance ahead with joy.

You will discover as you transform yourselves, the world around you will transform. For you are part of the whole consciousness. You are part of the cosmos. Look deep within and you will see the Divine Spark. Ignite that spark to a raging inferno and change the world!"

~Archangel Anael~

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