Saturday, December 29, 2012


Have you felt the shifts in health...well, in about every area of your life?  The old is no longer working for us. But in order to grab onto something new, we must let go of what we are holding onto.

Consider for a moment that you are holding onto a lump of coal. You think by holding it tight eventually it will turn into a beautiful diamond. But sitting in front of you is a large gorgeous sparkling diamond. You watch as the light filters through the facets sprinkling intricate patterns around it. You wish to pick it up, but your hand holds the coal.
Eventually you realize that you must put down the coal, as awareness reveals that it will never become a diamond. As soon as you release the coal from your hand, you hold the diamond in your hand. You feel the energy of joy surge throughout your body as you hold it close, entranced in its beauty.

Holding onto the coal has soiled your hands. In the past, your hands would never stay clean. You find as you wash them, this time, they stay clean. This is because you do not pick up the coal again. Instead you embrace the diamond.

Find something in your life that you wish to release this year, so you can be open to the beautiful new life that is waiting for you.

One thing that is an issue for many, including myself due to my upbringing, is being critical of others, situations, or one's own self. Right now relationships are being tested as this critical spirit is raising its ugly head.

Friends are feeling it is their job to tell their friends how to live their lives. Some have decided they are supposed to 'call others out on their stuff'. This kind of thinking is wrapped in ego. If a person has not asked the question, they are not open to hearing the answer from anyone.  One should consider that perhaps the lessons that need to be learned are being given to that person by their own guides and angels. We should not only keep our noses out of it, but our critical spirits out of it also. Just saying we are only doing this to create a spiritual awakening only feeds our own ego and critical spirit.

There is a huge challenge with letting go of having a critical spirit, however. It is very easy to fall into being critical of those who is critical! Lol!  We have to carefully police ourselves. Always ask where the energy is coming from. Criticizing someone for criticizing others drags us deeper into the quagmire of lower energy vibrations and thinking.  When this happens, as it will invariably do so...just catch yourself and then look for the positive in the situation...wash it with love and move on.

Life will get easier as we stay in this energy of Divine Love and rise above the drama the world's old ways of thinking. Know always the Angels are here to help and assist.

Friday, December 21, 2012


It is is Now Time! It is time to usher out the old and welcome in the new! It is time to be accountable for your own actions. It is time to change your own thoughts that cause you to be critical. It is time to change from using your pain as excuse to not grow up. It is time to stop being judgmental of your teachers. It is time to learn in a space of love to see all beings as in your life to help you grow in some fashion. It is time to clean up your karmic debt, not create new karma.

The angels understand how much this energy has been tossing you to and fro in your personal lives. Jobs lost, relationships ended, houses and possessions gone. Some of this was inevitable due to the need to release old heavy energies. Some of this happened due to you reacting in a place of hurt feelings (ego) instead of responding in a place of Divine Love.  Like a tornado out of control you may have succumbed and lashed out creating destruction. However, as you survey the situation now...the destruction is within your spirit, not in others.

Use this new energy to ride above it all. Heal your soul and in doing so, you will heal the souls of others around you. Draw forth your sword and draw boundaries. These boundaries are not to keep others away...they are to keep your negative thought patterns at bay! These boundaries are ones you draw for yourself as you shift from the way the world and religious dogma has taught you to think. It is time to think for yourselves! The line between those who set these boundaries and those who chose to continue use their own inner pain as power for attention is becoming as a chasm in this New Age of Enlightenment. (Every human has layers of deep pain, you are not worse off than anyone else)

So now is the Time to Rejoice. Push the boundaries of thought. Push the limits of your thinking. Enjoy the playground of this dimension. You have graduated to the next level. This is to be fun, not stop taking yourselves so seriously! Always 'do as you will with harm to none' and in a space of love as you revel in the joy of this New Age of Enlightenment!

~Archangel Anael~

Friday, December 14, 2012


Today at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT there were 20 children and six adults were tragically shot to death.
I am a Medium and can communicate with those who have died. Though I understand there is really no death...only a transition to another heart bleeds with those affected by today's tragedy. No one should ever have to die in this violent seemingly senseless way, especially a child. No one should ever have to suffer the loss of a child.
As I asked the Angels to give me words of hope, the words from Archangel Anael surprised me. She said the angels are weeping with the nation today as they hold those affected by this terrible tragedy. Then she showed me the pain of the parents....

"Why did they leave...why did they go,
When they were just beginning to grow?
Life was just opening up for them you say,
Then why did tragedy have to take them today?
The pain is runs deep as none can deny
Even though angels took them to heavens sky
They now have peace, joy and dance with God above
But today, I must grieve for losing the child I love"

So today, I send love covered in tears as I see a Legion of angels in Newtown tonight.

Friday, December 7, 2012


"The spiritual work of releasing is not easy. Even the Angels do not go unscathed as they help you rise above your misconceived ideas of the world. It is not releasing of people you are to is releasing of the Power you have given them to control your thought patterns. 

They may decide to no longer be in your lives, when you claim your power...or you may choose to no longer spend time with them as you no longer have a common ground. When you lose interest in their drama or the abuse they heap upon you has lost its power, you will simply drift apart.

The battle you fight is the battle with your own egos and your cookie pattern belief system of spirituality. Religion, spirituality and any belief system becomes one of giving your power away when you stop challenging your own thought patterns. 

Get out of the box that you created around yourself. Many of you make a bigger box when you grow spiritually. You are happy you are in a bigger box now and think you have grown so much.  However the job is to escape the box and fly free. 

We Angels are here to help you. Just be aware though we always willingly sacrifice to assist you....a sacrifice it is...more than you know...more than you can comprehend. We love you beyond understanding and are here for you always..."

'Love All, Serve All' 

~ Archangel Anael and The Elohim~

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


"Too many times you look outside yourselves for the reasons you are not happy. "Someone betrayed us, someone abandoned us, someone was mean to us, life is just so unfair and so hard!" So goes your thought patterns.  This keeps you in an endless spiral of misery.

Now is the shakeup time. This is the time to take responsibility for oneself. You CAN be in charge of your lives. You have need only to look within. It takes a brave and courageous soul to look within one's own heart. Look deep. See your own pain. See how your pain made you strong. Keep the strength and let go of the pain. There is no need to wallow in it any will pull you down to the depths of despair.  Have you not spent enough time there?

As I said...this work is for the brave. Only those who quit focusing on the perceived wrongs inflicted by others and life in general will be able to ascend to the new world of love and peace.  Constant drama has no place in this new world. It has been your comfort of the past. If you did not personally have drama, you went to find another's drama with which to share. You must stop inviting it back, thinking it gives you a sense of power due to the attention gained by it in your life.  As it appears, immediately learn the lesson, release the drama and dance ahead with joy.

You will discover as you transform yourselves, the world around you will transform. For you are part of the whole consciousness. You are part of the cosmos. Look deep within and you will see the Divine Spark. Ignite that spark to a raging inferno and change the world!"

~Archangel Anael~

Monday, December 3, 2012


The readings I find the most rewarding are the ones that involve helping spirits pass from the realm of the space between worlds to heaven. It can be extremely emotional also...for me as well as the client that has brought the spirit with them.

When it is a loved one they care deeply for, I find myself being careful of what I share with them. The reason is if the client allows them self to become fearful, then the energy goes to a lower vibration.  Only high energy full of love and joy can go to heaven.  Even Jesus said, "Unless you become as a child you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."  One way to interpret this is to remember the joys you had as a child. This is the high energy a spirit must reach to obtain heaven.

I remember one spirit release we did as I volunteered with Florida Paranormal Research Foundation. The energy of this spirit was one of anger and destruction. When he was an adult he had done some very violent crimes...mostly against women. As I channeled the spirit and the director counseled the spirit, we discovered the only time this tortured spirit remembered joy was when he had a pet mouse as a small child.
A woman had killed the mouse and had tortured him. That was the beginning of his hatred towards women. It took a lot of expertise by the director to keep the focus of the spirit on the joy he felt when his mouse was alive. Finally he was able to see into heaven and see his mouse waiting for him. That high vibration of joy was what it took for him to be able to cross over.

As a Medium it is important to stay away from fear or anger of spirits and judgments of what they did while they were here. Remembering they are people,  they just don't have their skin on...helps with that thought process.  Remembering we are all part of Divinity and some come to help us learn hard lessons...helps also.

A few years ago, a client asked to connect with the spirit of her sister that had died.  Immediately I saw her sister. The sister, (I will call Suzy), was very upset and angry that no one was paying attention to her. She had died violently and suddenly. She kept saying, "It is gray...everything here is gray...why is it gray?"

I looked around and saw where she was and it was indeed gray. All this was going on as I talked to her sister, telling her only part of what I saw. I did not want her sister to freak out, as it would make it more difficult to help Suzy get to the Light (Heaven). Then I saw Suzy look over her shoulder and begin to run in fear. There was a dark cloud following her slowly. It was lurking, waiting. She yelled, "Why won't my family see me?"

Suzy had died over 20 years previously. During this time, she was not aware she was dead and was caught in sorrow that her family would not pay attention to her.  Quickly assessing the situation, I asked the angel Anael to bring Suzy's grandma (who was in the Light of Heaven) to her.  The grandma could only stand at the doorway of heaven. She could not come down to her because Suzy was too caught in fear. Grandma's vibration was high. Remember though Angels have the ability to traverse through all vibrational fields, human spirits can't always.

I asked Suzy's sister to begin sending love to Suzy and to help her know how much the family loved her. The Angels began to intensify the energy and Suzy felt it. She looked up and saw her Grandma. I had Suzy's sister begin to remind Suzy of the most favorite things she did with Grandma. She was told she could do it again with Grandma. Suzy's energy became childlike. The angels put up a shield...not allowing the energy of the fear of the gray world and the shadowy figure to encroach.

In the next moment as Suzy's energy became lighter and full of joy, Anael gathered her up and swept her into the arms of her Grandma in heaven! Tears freely flowed down mine and my client's faces, as I shared the ending of what I saw with her sister. Later I shared the rest, so Suzy's sister knew she may not have been able to save Suzy's physical life, but she helped rescue her  soul with the help of the angels.

This is a typical day for me when I do readings. This is why I love my work. This is why I am so grateful for the support of everyone that volunteers. This is why I continue to teach what I do, so more souls can be rescued.
~Love All, Serve All~

Saturday, December 1, 2012


"We are in the midst of transformation. It was never promised to be easy, only that the angels would help. Fire clears a forest for new growth. When you allow that fire to cleanse your life, those things that have grown old and stale in your life will be consumed by it.
New sprouts of beauty, new ways of thinking and being will awaken for you. Look no longer to the past, allow the divine fire to clear your heart and focus on the beauty of your new beginnings."
~Archangel Anael~

Friday, November 30, 2012


When life is comfortable, we grow complacent. We have no reason to grow or change. When everything we need is given to us by another there is no reason to look within and change thought processes.  Without changing the way we think about ourselves, others and the world we will cease to grow spiritually.

Pain was my first friend that began my stretch.  My inherent psychic gifts were enhanced by chronic pain and de-habilitating fatigue beginning at nine years of age. In school my mind drifted to other lands of mystery and adventure. Often I was entranced as fairies danced around the feet of a teacher. While on the playground swinging ,  I conversed with the dragons that filled the air. Was it any wonder that I often heard, "She has her head in the cloud!"

Talking to people terrified me. I was unsure whether I would say or do the properly accepted thing. Trying to figure out the complexities of the world was overwhelming. I longed to be like everyone else...just to be 'normal'.

Spending time having fun going to slumber parties or other gatherings in the evenings were out of the question for me. Without my 12-16 hours of sleep, the pain the following day, would be too much almost to bear.   Happily my sleep time was filled with colorful dreams of grand adventures and flying.

I remember a day in my early teens being thrilled I had energy to work all day spring cleaning! This is what it feels like to be 'normal' my heart sang. I was devastated the next day, when I woke barely able to move. It took three days to recover from my 'normal' day.  However, during those three days and each day like that, my angels, fairies and guides were close. I could be open to hearing them, since I wasn't running around trying to be 'normal'.

I continued in this fashion for the next 15 or so years, until I quit trying to be 'normal' and embraced my spirituality. I began to use my gifts on a daily basis, making it my priority and profession.  When it is your only income, you are forced to use the gifts more, since of course there are always cases when you give it for free, as well as needing to pay bills. I raised two kids on my own with little outside help.

Now I sleep 7-8 hours a night. Power naps of 15 minutes replace the 2-3 hours naps of my past.  Pain is a distance memory.  I am still not 'normal', nor do I long for being that anymore. The gift of the chronic pain in my past showed me how to leave my body and access the realms of heaven and the angels.  When I released the dream of being 'normal', I was free to release the pain as well.

My life now is one of a balance of work, play and rest. I do my best to walk my talk. Never again do I wish to be 'normal'...I wish simply to be me!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Halloween  approaches. Others refer to Halloween as All Hallows Eve or Samhain.  Typically, the veil between the worlds is thinnest at this time of the year. 
Historically this is when we honor those whom we love whom have passed into the spirit world, especially the last year.  In many traditions a plate would be set at the table that evening to remember them.  You may find it interesting to look up some of the roots of our current Holiday celebrations, not just Halloween, but also Christmas, as it approaches quickly on this holiday's heels.

I wanted to pass on to you the information I have received from Archangel Anael about the veil between the worlds.  After Halloween the thinness will only increase to a small level. As we work towards shifting our energies to the next dimension, it will gradually become thinner.  By December 21, 2012 it will become as thin as it is at this Halloween and remain that thin. That will become the new normal.

More people will become aware of those on the other side. People's gifts will become stronger and stronger. Those that decide to develop their gifts will soar to become future master guides. They will become the teachers of the next generation.

It is time now to decide where you want to be in the next year. For Halloween is also a universal New Year for many cultures.  There is also a more and more defined gap between those who wish to stay embroiled in drama and those who wish to increase their vibration by drawing boundaries . The important task of living with one foot firmly in this world and one foot firmly in the other will be imperative for spiritual people to learn.  

By drawing boundaries and releasing drama as well as control of others, you are able to fly ahead, blazing the trail for others to follow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I saw an angel in the woods today
She said she stopped just to say,
"Those others a hard time to you do give
Remember your truth and the life you are to live
You knew the path an easy one would not be
Many misunderstand and attack what they think they see
Compassion for them and their inner misery
Will help you to set your spirit free
Ego has no place in this grand scheme
Control of yourself, not others is what is to be
Continue on your chosen path of love
Supporting you always are the Angels above."
~Archangel Anael~

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Have you ever trusted another person with the dark shadows within your heart? These are shadows that you fear to look upon yourself.  You fear more that as you judge yourself for this part of you, others will judge you more harshly. When you finally let someone into that space of trust, you discover they cannot handle the energy of you. All comes crashing down around you as your energy field is pierced by deep betrayal.
Then you pull back within yourself vowing never to trust again. Knowing your shadows will eventually overcome anyone who promises to be a friend. Turmoil over-rides your emerging peace of mind, as you attempt to befriend your shadows. Finally you feel you need to trust someone to help you heal and mend these aspects within your soul.

But who do you trust? You stop and listen to the Angels. Knowing in order to continue your journey to be a healer for others spirits, you must keep yours healthy and strong. Too often you have barreled through life, doing your own inner work, but not allowing the help of another spiritual healer to assist. You feel that if you can just help people, that it will be enough.

The patterns of the past show those you trust, will only kick you when you are down. They will try to stand upon your back in order to feel taller themselves. Like a puppy that has been hit too often, you shy back when anyone offers help.

Finally, the Angels line up the energies and bring a special healer to you...this time in the form you can accept...a simple massage. You thought that was all it would be...relax the muscles and work with energy somewhat. That much you could handle. You could just not allow them to see inside of your soul.
What you found was the touch of the Angels. A walk through the doors of heaven. Acceptance no matter what kind of shadows were revealed in you. Only love and peace were present in this healing massage. Your soul was open and bare. It was welcomed with an open heart and no judgments. You were cocooned in the unconditional love of the Divine Angels. The Angelic Realm were channeled in to assist as the muscles were worked. High quality oils, along with Reiki were used to mend the mind, body and soul.

This is the magic of Eileen Jacobs, LMT and the work that she does. She is a healer of other healers as well as people just taking care of and respecting themselves. We are so blessed to have her in Brevard County, Florida. She books a couple of weeks or more in advance. I book with her two months ahead, so I can be assured of having my healing time for me.
In these turbulent times it is imperative for all working towards Ascension to take care of their energy. I highly recommend Eileen: 321-514-3832. Make it a gift to yourself or to someone you love.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Meditation is paramount in importance right now. People MUST meditate in order to shut down the chatter of the world. This is the only way you can still the mind enough to hear the voices of your guides and angels.

However many people get overwhelmed with the thought of meditating, so they don't even begin. The following is a simple way to meditate. 

Sit in a place you will not be disturbed. It is best not to do this laying down, as you may fall asleep. (It is a good way to go to sleep if you have trouble with sleeping, but you should set aside a few minutes a day to do this when you are not going to sleep)

Sit with your spine as straight as possible and your feet flat on the floor. Activate your Angelic Pyramid of Protection and ask the angels to surround your astral/spirit body in its own pyramid. Say something like this then, "Please will all of my angels, guides and helpers, especially Anael help me with this meditation."

Either have a candle burning and focus on looking at the flame with your eyes unfocused...or close your eyes. Breathe deep and slow. Think the word 'so' on the in breath and the word 'hum' on the out breath. This is the natural rhythmic sound of the breath.

Then bring all your attention to the center of your forehead. Begin to think of a color you would like to 'see'. Continue the 'so' on the in breath and 'hum' on the out breath. Hold in that space for a few minutes, focusing on color. You may feel tingling in the top of your head.

Then take your attention to the top of your head and repeat the same thing. After holding that energy for awhile, allow your mind to travel in its 'imagination.'  Remember how Jesus said, "Unless you become as a child you will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven." A child's greatest strength is imagination. When we activate that within us (via meditation) we are bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into us!

Enjoy your experience and then breathe pushing your breath down into your legs and feet, grounding and centering you. Repeat daily and begin writing down your journeys.
 I do have meditations available on my website for downloads.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


What in your life is keeping you captive? What thought patterns have kept you from spiritual ascension and enjoying life? What do you need Independence from in your personal world? What holds you back?

These thoughts come to the surface as Independence Day for United States is being celebrated today. Independence from British rule and celebration of when United States became a new entity is the focus in the US.  

For myself as I do my personal spiritual work, I am focusing on balance. Most days I put in 10-12 hours of work. Though I may only have 2-4 hours of actual readings, the rest of the day is spent on the marketing, bookkeeping, writing, promotional and correspondence side of the business. I love my work, but I have been working on taking some down time each day and a couple of days off a week.

The thought patterns I have been releasing and becoming Independent of relate to having picked up from society that in order to be a good person one must work 24/7. "It is selfish to take time just for yourself and to have fun. You always must be helping someone in order to be a good person." These are a couple of thoughts that I incorporated into my energy and have been releasing the past few years.

To enforce these negative thoughts, I have had some people criticize me because I play going to Renn Faires, Pirate Fests or go out to hear bands with my boyfriend. Some (whom are caught in their own slavery of the Patriarchal religion) have even criticized the way I dress. They place judgments on my spirituality.  The thought patterns of others is part of what had kept me in slavery to old outworn definitions of good and bad.

Archangel Anael and the Angels of Light want to help us be free from these things that hold us back from our inner truth. Enjoying life here in many aspects and celebrating freedom from the Muggle (world, mundane) way of thinking is one of the messages of the angels. Learning the difference between Self-Care and Selfishness is part of the balance.  Living a life free of guilt and dancing in the higher vibration of Divine Light while we learn to fly with the angels is part of our Independence process.

I encourage you today to go deep within and examine your thought processes and inner judgments. Partner with the Angels to unveil what has held you captive. What do you wish to release? What do you choose to claim Independence from today?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We have 24 more days of Venus Retrograde. It has caused some havoc and confusion in the romance department for many people. Remember this is a time to be extra forgiving and understanding now...not a time to jump to conclusions or make assumptions. 

Venus rules finances also, so take this time to evaluate how you feel about money. I have had many up and coming Psychics and Spiritual Healers say they did not feel right about taking money for their services.

One must remember, not only did you take the time, money and energy to practice and become good at what you do...but money is our current exchange of energy. Like the barter service of old...our currency for barter today is cash.  Since the bank would not take a reading for payment on your car or mortgage, neither should you accept barter for what you do.  It stops the flow of financial abundance.

'But I don't need financial abundance,' you say...'I just want enough to get by.' So are you saying you do not want to have enough cash flow to give money to help someone in real need? You do not want to have extra money to buy another house, so you can rent it cheap to a single mom struggling to raise children on her own?

We need to think beyond ourselves. Money brings us what we need to help others. When we claim abundance of health, joy and love, we need to add the financial aspect that will assist us on our path of helping others.

I no longer barter. I was instructed to raise my prices slightly, though I am still way below the national average.  By charging a bit more I am able to cover the rent I pay for my place to work out of, as well as covering the cost of making it a beautiful angelic haven. It allows me able to take the time to help someone in turmoil that the angels bring to me.

Today I was blessed by having a client stop in to see the new place and get a reading. She said she only had $30. Truly that is all she had.  I told her my price for 15 minutes is $30, but I would give her 20 minutes for that.

After the reading, I felt uplifted by her energy. She sees the positive in everything...even in some challenges that would have caused others to roll over and play dead. I told her it was only $20 for her.  She argued and gave me $25. I blessed it and said aloud,  'May this money return to you a thousand fold.' And it will. It has. ..."As in Heaven, so Below!"
She understood in order to be blessed by the messages of the Angels and Spirit one must invest some energy. She honored this and is blessed because of that.

Just know, for everyone that pays the full amount for a reading, Donates and Tips it allows me to be able to gift it forward as the Angels direct me.  We are all ONE in this work. It is your energy and love along with that of the Angels that keep this Mission going forward.

One day this Angel Mission will manifest enough financial freedom to purchase land and housing where many can come for healing and respite from this tumultuous world.
In the meantime, I am here in the Angel Room, reaching out to the world via the computer and phone to be of service.

~Love All, Serve All~
Archangel Anael