Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I am so blessed to have friends that share with me some questions and struggles they have in their lives. It makes me stretch to give answers of hope. Most of the time, I have no answers, so I take the question to Anael.

We are both teachers and students. The following message from Anael helps absolve guilt and releases us to enjoy the dance of the life we create. I am honored to join you in this journey as we all learn and grow with each other.

“Guilt is something that was created by humans to control other humans to do their bidding. If you feel guilt and are told the only way to absolve it is to follow another person’s belief system, then you stay in a lower vibration. Your ascension process is halted as you do not allow yourself to become like the Divine Source that created you.

Human experiences here on this earth are designed to help you leave behind the old ways of thinking. As you permit new thought patterns to slip through the corridors of your realities you will embrace freedom from guilt. You can then accept that nothing you do is wrong. Your actions are utilized as a tool for the purpose of learning .By exercising this free will (a gift from the Divine) you are able to begin to vibrate on a Divine level.”


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