Thursday, January 16, 2014

Loyalty and Friendship

Many years ago, though I was an adult, I was still living like I was in Junior High School.

  I had a dear friend who was a mentor at the time. She got mad at a mutual friend over a situation she deemed unfair. Since she was mad at this person, I decided I was mad at him also...even though it had nothing to do with he and I. This man was my papa in a past life and I felt a deep connection to him in this life. But my mentor/friend was mad at him, so I felt I must cut him out of my life as well.

 Sadly, it took a year for me to see how my mentor was controlling and living through my life, since she was unhappy with hers. When I finally woke up to what happened, I gently sent her love...remained her friend, but no longer looked to her as a teacher. I took control over my life, went to my papa from a past life and apologized to him. He was/is amazing and totally forgave and forgot. Through connection with him, I met my medicine man and began a several year journey of exploration on the Red Road (Native American Spirituality).

That was a hard lesson that I decided to never have to relearn. I have  many friends and acquaintances who may not like each other, but I love them independent of how they feel about each other.

 My dear friend, Andrea de Michaelis of Horizons Magazine once said when discussing this subject, "My karma with a certain person does not have to be your karma." I love this. As always I strive to follow the creed of the Angels:

 "Love All, Serve All"

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