DAY TWO: Nurture Oneself
When I woke…earlier than normal….my muscles screamed at me as I crawled out of bed. They said “We are still hurting from yesterday’s workout. Why are you being so mean to us?”
Ignoring their whining for a few moments, I took a shower. They quieted somewhat as the healing waters washed over them. (I had already put Archangel Anael’s symbol on the shower, asking for Divine energy to flow through with the water. Also, put her symbol on the drain asking that all negativity washed from me be transmuted into Divine Love as it goes back into our water system.) The muscles began to complain again as I dried off.
Then I began to apply special oils to release and clear help up toxins. As I did it, I sent love into my body, thanking it for being my temple in this lifetime. I told the muscles they would get stronger and healthier. I reassured them that I would only work them again when they were no longer sore. I used the time as a meditation also, nurturing my spirit as well as my body.
When I left the house to go to my appointments, I felt the Love of the Divine as a deep glowing energy in my spirit. A sugar-free smoothie was my breakfast. Yes, I had my two cups of coffee. But now I have it black…that keeps me from drinking more than two cups! Lol! That is my balance:)
Anael’s Affirmation of the Day: “When I nurture myself, I honor the Divine within.”
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