The angels quickly gave me the answer. A couple of days before the full moon, I let go of the last remaining old negative energies in my life. I had seen some wonderful new beginnings coming into my life. I knew in order for them to blossom, I must follow my own advice and totally let go of the old.
When one lets go of what is familiar there is a grieving process that must occur. That is what I was doing. I was grieving for the old energies that no longer served for my highest good.
It is like leaving a negative marriage. Even though you are happy it is over and you can move on, you still feel sad for a period of time.
So I gave myself a couple of hours to be sad. Then I did some exercises, cleaned house and prepared to teach my psychic development class. My energy shifted and became high and positive.
If you are experiencing some of the same…it too will pass. Then you will be ready to receive your wonderful happy life!
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