Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I went to get my weekly lymphatic ‘facial’ this morning by the wonderfully amazing Karen Walsh. As usual she walked me through the pyramid breathing (I taught herJ)…then checked to see if my Chakras needed balancing.

She was surprised everything was in perfect alignment. That is because when I came in I was on the phone clearing something up for my client/friend. I was in Warrior mode. There are times, that as much as I try to help empower my clients, I must step in to shield them.

That is when my namesake…the Goddess Morrigan comes out. She is fiercely protective of the innocent, especially for women and children. My clients quickly become my friends and I will intercede for them if needed until they are strong enough to stand for themselves.

As soon as my call was finished, Karen began to work on me. As I said, she was surprised my energy was so even and balanced. I pondered on that later.

I still have the daily pressures of life, as we all do. My schedule is full and I work at finding the balance of doing everything that needs done to keep my business going.

I meditate, do the Tibetan Rites, take Mrs. Mangos suggested supplements and exercise daily. I set my personal boundaries. I also had done a Level One Reiki Attunement for a client earlier in the day. That always helps balance my energy.

I practice Mindful Meditation…the being in the NOW. It is a beautiful way to live and wonderful to feel peaceful in the midst of a somewhat stormy life.

I encourage you to join me in this way to live. If I can help you in any way to learn to achieve the balance, please contact me. Remember my favorite saying: “Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and it Shrank!” Lol!

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