Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Angel Whisper’s, A Journey Into the World of the Earth’s Oldest Guardians has finally hit the market. It is available on Amazon as well as directly from me. If you order a copy from me by going to my website, your copy will include a personally channeled message from the angels and signed by me.

There are many contributing authors one of which is Andrea de Michaelis of Horizons Magazine. Read the synopsis below to get a feel of what the book is all about.

Take a journey as the author reveals to you, the realm of angels in existence since the creation of this world. We begin with a story of Archangel Anael, whom carries the feminine Divine energies in a balanced way. She can be gentle and soft as well as fierce and protective. She is an angel that teaches how to establish personal boundaries in your life in order to heal on all levels.

She tells the story of her creation in her own words as it is channeled to the author. Anael explains how angels took bodies in order to understand the human condition. Thereby they are more able to help humans access their Divine gifts.

Since angels teach in stories there are some channeled parables given to the author. Life lessons are taught in an easy way, providing hope and direction to the reader.

Then interactive angel whispers, messages of hope and encouragement, follow. These are daily angelic affirmations imparted to the author from the angels. There is a page left blank next to each angel whisper for journaling purposes. Each day you can open the book at random, being Divinely guided to the message you need to hear. On the blank page you can record information from your life’s journey and how the angel whisper helped you.

A section of stories of encounters with angels by contributing authors is next. These are actual experiences from their lives. Then channeled messages from other contributing authors and the various angels they are associated with follow. These are filled with thought provoking information from the angelic realm. This allows the reader to reflect on various new ways of thinking, expanding their spiritual growth.

An angelic meditation to create an energy of Divine protection completes this book.

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