DAY SIX: Keep Balance
Today was very busy and hectic. I had to consciously remind myself to draw Anael’s symbol on my food and around me as I needed peace. In the rushing around I forgot to eat until I was reminded by feeling weak and fuzzy brained…more than my usual ‘head with the angels’! LOL!
I was doing the mind and spirit part of Anael’s plan, but had gotten derailed on the body part. When I got him, I ate some protein and juiced vegetables. Soon I was back on track.
However, I had learned a valuable lesson. Stay focused on balance in all aspects of life.
Anael’s Affirmation of the Day: “When you fuel your temple (body) throughout the day, you allow yourself to be used by the Divine in a perfect way.”
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Most of my day was spent in laughter. I had a lot to accomplish as our business is becoming Incorporated. I don’t enjoy doing business type things, but as the president of Morgana Enterprises, Inc. I must. I am fortunate to have a Business Manager that is on the same ‘page’ as I am.
So we laughed through the paperwork at the city hall (turns out the gal helping me is on my mailing list…she is an amazing lady). Then we proceeded to laugh though opening a new Business account. If we looked at it through human eyes, there wasn’t much to laugh about. We are a new company operating on a budget. However, we have a knowing that Divine money is flying our way to support this Angelic mission. The bank lady enjoyed the laughter and joined in with us.
We laughed through lunch. I paused to draw Anael’s symbol on my sandwich, keeping the focus of shifting the energies of all I eat to a Divine vibrational level. We spoke aloud our manifestations. We laughed on the way to the Angel Flight class.
Anael had told me that she wanted me to directly channel her to teach in the class. I was able to channel her energy more fully since I was in a space of joy with no worries or concerns about how the class would go.
The Angel Flight Class went beyond all expectations as Anael came in and gave a powerful message, meditation and spiritual gifts to all in attendance. It even took special grounding work to bring one seasoned attendee back to earth. After the class, we laughed some more, feeling Divine joy flowing through us all.
Anael’s Affirmation of the Day: “Laughter can allow the flow of Divine energy taking you to higher realms.”
Monday, March 29, 2010
Today I did not have to go anywhere, but had big plans to accomplish a lot. After all, isn’t a person’s worth measured by her accomplishments? I had a lot of writing to do to work on Angel Whispers, messages of hope from the angels. I had a newsletter to get out and the list went on.
Part way through the day, I realized I was tired. Just plain and simply tired. I had done my Tibetan Rites and my morning facial routine. I felt pampered, so I should feel energetic and focused…I argued this point with myself.
Then I stopped and remembered the balance. I do not have to work around the clock. I love what I do, so it is hard to tell myself to stop and rest. But I did just that. I told myself, if I got nothing else done today, except rest, then it was okay.
I spent quite awhile just being. Just being quiet, listening to beautiful music. I felt no pressure…I allowed myself to simply “BE”.
Now as the day winds down, I found I have spent some time (not what I had originally scheduled for myself) writing Angel Whispers. However, I know I did as much or more than I would have, had I forced myself. I wrote the newsletter and did a couple of other things. The other things I did not complete will be done another day. The world did not end because I did not complete them.
However, I am in a place of peace and balance because I allowed myself to ‘Just Be’ for a few moments of the day.
Anael’s Affirmation of the Day: “As you stop and simply be, you allow the essence of Divinity to fill your spirit.”
angel whispers,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
DAY THREE: Have Fun!
I could have easily blown off going to the gym today, but kept to my commitment. After doing the 5 sacred Tibetan Rites, I was charged!
My inner child decided it was time to play!
So we went to see the 3-D movie of How to Tame Your Dragon. The movie whisked me off to a land of adventure and possibilities. The message of the movie was uplifting. If you follow your heart and keep to the task anything you wish can happen.
As we got up to leave the rather crowed theater, I looked around at the happy faces. Instantly I was transported in my mind to two years in the future. I was in a theater after a showing of Dragons Legacy in 3-D, looking at all the happy faces now full of hope and wonder. None knew who I was. There was no need to tell anyone. I just was content to see that I had a small part in bringing families together as well as joy and purpose into their lives. When we left the theater I knew without a doubt this vision would be a reality.
When we got home we carried some items to the curb for pick up the next day. I allowed myself to walk slowly enjoying the fresh smell of the rain as sprinkled over me. The adult part of me allowed my inner child to play in the rain. By the time the rain got serious; I was inside, snug and safe. I will stick to my commitment of bringing balance into my life. Part of that balance is pure fun!
Anael’s Affirmation of the Day: “By allowing my inner child to play I open wonderful possibilities into my life!”
Dragons Legacy,
inner child,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
DAY TWO: Nurture Oneself
When I woke…earlier than normal….my muscles screamed at me as I crawled out of bed. They said “We are still hurting from yesterday’s workout. Why are you being so mean to us?”
Ignoring their whining for a few moments, I took a shower. They quieted somewhat as the healing waters washed over them. (I had already put Archangel Anael’s symbol on the shower, asking for Divine energy to flow through with the water. Also, put her symbol on the drain asking that all negativity washed from me be transmuted into Divine Love as it goes back into our water system.) The muscles began to complain again as I dried off.
Then I began to apply special oils to release and clear help up toxins. As I did it, I sent love into my body, thanking it for being my temple in this lifetime. I told the muscles they would get stronger and healthier. I reassured them that I would only work them again when they were no longer sore. I used the time as a meditation also, nurturing my spirit as well as my body.
When I left the house to go to my appointments, I felt the Love of the Divine as a deep glowing energy in my spirit. A sugar-free smoothie was my breakfast. Yes, I had my two cups of coffee. But now I have it black…that keeps me from drinking more than two cups! Lol! That is my balance:)
Anael’s Affirmation of the Day: “When I nurture myself, I honor the Divine within.”
aromatherapy. essential oil,
nurture affirmation,
Friday, March 26, 2010
Today is Day One in Archangel Anael’s program of balancing mind/body/spirit within. She has told me to do this to provide a roadmap that others can follow to shift their energies. Many spiritual people only do one or two of these. I have been guilty of this many times.
That is not who I want to be, so with the help of Archangel Anael, I will make sure that doesn’t happen. Archangel Anael is very clear that I must be a forerunner on this program….sharing the results….and encouraging others to join with the angels in the balance of mind, body and spirit. The following is what she has told me to do to make my shift.
I am to write and say my positive affirmations every day.
I am to write something creative every day.
I am to work out two days a week… with cardio and machines. Two other days of just cardio.
I am to do the five Tibetan Rites every day.
I am to nourish my body by using essential oil blends that are made by the Master Aroma-therapist Doreen DeSerres of Nature’s Spirit to detoxify my body and tone my skin. (this is because her oils work on an etheric level as well as physical) I am to drink lots of water….over 64 oz a day….
I am to eat what feels right for my body, without judgment.
I am to ask Archangel Anael to shift energy of all the food and water that I consume to one of positive energy for my body.
I am to meditate every day…once in the morning for a few minutes and once in the evening for a few minutes. Then throughout the day, take a moment here and there, to stop and do some ‘mindful meditation’. I am not a person that likes structure. I don’t care for rules. So this is not easy for me. Especially as she has instructed me to journal the flight! However, I have learned to listen to Spirit and when an Archangel tells you to do something, you really should listen!
My lesson today was Mindful Love.
I drank 52 oz of water while working out this morning. Each time I filled my water bottle, I was mindful of the love of Archangel Anael shifting and transmuting negative energies into positive ones for my body.
I did this also for my food. I thanked the energy of the chicken and the cow that gave their lives, as well as the vegetables and grains that gave their life essence to nourish me. I chewed slowly, feeling gratefulness and love throughout.
I caught myself half way through my Burger King double cheese whopper, before remembering to be in that space of love. That made me slow down and I found the sandwich even tasted better.
When I bathed in the aromatic bath salts, I was mindful of the love the angels and the Divine had for me. It brought me to the awareness of love for myself and my body. Bonus was that when I got home in the evening, the scent of the oils lingered throughout the bedroom. I like bonuses!
Anael’s Affirmation for the Day “I am the embodiment of Divine Love!”
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The world is shifting and changing. During these times as you are connected with Mother Earth you are shifting with her.
You are being given opportunities to let go of your past ways of thinking and being. In order for that to occur, old issues are being brought before you in the form of challenges.
Are you willing to let go and allow this to be our last lesson in this matter? If not, you will find more heavy energies around you.
For example, if you have 'been told' it was time to leave a relationship, job or situation and have not made the moves to do so. That situation will get worse and worse. It is now time to begin the process of 'letting go' and 'letting God' (as the saying goes).
For those that are making those shifts in their lives...speaking up for themselves, not allowing others to disrespect the Divinity within you...there are some things you can do to make this time easier for you.
Drink more water than normal. Your physical body is changing as you change spiritually. Drinking water will allow the flush of toxins out of your body. Sleep when you are tired. You will be requiring a little more sleep than previously. Try not to put extra toxins into your body, as it will only weigh you down more.
Exercise in a balanced way as it helps detox your body also. As you become more a vessel for Divine Light you must learn to take care of the body you have chosen for this journey. Do this always in balance.
Though these things are always is more so in the next few weeks during the major energy shifts and light portal opening that are occurring. The angels are always near you, watching and waiting for you to ask for their help. All is well and life is unfolding in the Divine Plan.
~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Spring is around the corner. This is time for new beginnings. When we think of spring our mind goes to birth….baby creatures come to earth during this time. Lambs, bunnies, and calves.
But what about us? What does spring mean to us? With all the earth changes and traumas there is a lot of fear in the world. Let us take this time to dissolve our fears.
Remember how Jesus said, “Unless you become as children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Become as children. Children spend their time in play and imagination.
As we become adults we get busy with being grown up…dealing with adult issues and stresses. Our inner child becomes frightened by the fears that we allow to be impressed upon us as adults. In order to become balanced, to inherit our Divine gifts, we must allow our inner child to be free.
My dear friend, Valerie Saurer, founder of the Attitude of Gratitude project on facebook, has decided to allow her inner child a safe place to come out and play. She is creating a haven in her yard for dreaming, creating, writing, and enjoying life.
I am honored that she has opened her heart up enough to share this ‘play’ with us all. She did that by sharing what she is doing, though she has also opened herself up to criticism. This is from the few that will hear of what she is doing and think, “What is a grown lady doing sleeping in a tent and spending her time in outdoor pavilion all decorated with gauzy curtains and such!”
By donating to her some of the things I have around in boxes, I have allowed my inner child to play. My inner child is remembering how it feels to dance freely with the wind blowing through her hair. She remembers the feeling of no limits on what she can accomplish in her life. As I incorporate this into my adult life, then I can ‘fly’!
Not all of us will want to put a tent in our backyards. (I prefer to dress up for Renaissance Fairs!) I encourage you all to find ways to let your inner child play. Spend time playing with your animal friends, with children (borrow some, if you don’t have your own…parents love a break!), go through your closets, fill a box for someone like Val, or create your own haven for your inner child.
It is no small job to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, but by allowing a safe place for our inner child to play, we can do just this! Thank you, my dear friend, Valerie for reminding us of one way to do this.
“The angels want you to enjoy life. Too many of you trudge through life and complicate every issue that arises. Look at the world through the eyes of a child, full of adventure and wonder. Then you will have taken the first step towards opening your inner sight and spiritual gifts to a Divine level with such angelic energy of which you have never experienced previously. This is what I want for you. This is what I can bring to you when you are ready to let go of control and have that trust in the Divine. I love you.”
~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2010
But what about us? What does spring mean to us? With all the earth changes and traumas there is a lot of fear in the world. Let us take this time to dissolve our fears.
Remember how Jesus said, “Unless you become as children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Become as children. Children spend their time in play and imagination.
As we become adults we get busy with being grown up…dealing with adult issues and stresses. Our inner child becomes frightened by the fears that we allow to be impressed upon us as adults. In order to become balanced, to inherit our Divine gifts, we must allow our inner child to be free.
My dear friend, Valerie Saurer, founder of the Attitude of Gratitude project on facebook, has decided to allow her inner child a safe place to come out and play. She is creating a haven in her yard for dreaming, creating, writing, and enjoying life.
I am honored that she has opened her heart up enough to share this ‘play’ with us all. She did that by sharing what she is doing, though she has also opened herself up to criticism. This is from the few that will hear of what she is doing and think, “What is a grown lady doing sleeping in a tent and spending her time in outdoor pavilion all decorated with gauzy curtains and such!”
By donating to her some of the things I have around in boxes, I have allowed my inner child to play. My inner child is remembering how it feels to dance freely with the wind blowing through her hair. She remembers the feeling of no limits on what she can accomplish in her life. As I incorporate this into my adult life, then I can ‘fly’!
Not all of us will want to put a tent in our backyards. (I prefer to dress up for Renaissance Fairs!) I encourage you all to find ways to let your inner child play. Spend time playing with your animal friends, with children (borrow some, if you don’t have your own…parents love a break!), go through your closets, fill a box for someone like Val, or create your own haven for your inner child.
It is no small job to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, but by allowing a safe place for our inner child to play, we can do just this! Thank you, my dear friend, Valerie for reminding us of one way to do this.
“The angels want you to enjoy life. Too many of you trudge through life and complicate every issue that arises. Look at the world through the eyes of a child, full of adventure and wonder. Then you will have taken the first step towards opening your inner sight and spiritual gifts to a Divine level with such angelic energy of which you have never experienced previously. This is what I want for you. This is what I can bring to you when you are ready to let go of control and have that trust in the Divine. I love you.”
~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2010
inner child,
Jesus. heaven,
Friday, March 5, 2010
Due to the many earth changes that have affected our physical, spiritual and emotional bodies, Archangel Anael has instructed me to share this grounding, healing and protective meditation.
This is a condensed version of it. I do have a 22 minute guided meditation CD or MP3 download available on my website for $10 purchase if you are so led.
If you begin working with the following energies, you will begin to feel more balanced and protected in our hectic world. At the same time, you will be assisting with the healing of our Mother Earth.
“Archangel Anael, please create a golden pyramid of protection around me. The top of the pyramid is connected to a tube of Light that leads to the heart of the Divine. In the top is a valve leading inwards only. At the bottom in each corner is a valve leading outwards only. Anything touching the bottom of the pyramid is instantly transmuted into love…siphoned to the corner valves sent into mother earth to balance and heal her.
Each breath I take from this day forth brings in Unconditional love straight from the heart of the Divine. It fills my pyramid, filtering through my body taking any negativity, worries or imbalances. This goes to the bottom of my pyramid being instantly transmuted into Love, through the valves to balance and heal Mother Earth.
Anael, please cloak my pyramid with your invisibility, so darkness will not be attracted to my light. As I shine brighter and brighter, darkness will simply not see me. Only positive people and positive situations will be drawn to me.
Please manifest a rainbow through my pyramid and through my body, balancing and healing each chakra. Please fill my pyramid with tiny rainbows full of joy!
Anything negative sent towards me hits the side of my pyramid and is transmuted into love, great health and prosperity on every level. It filters through my pyramid and manifests these things into my life. Anything I send out will also be transmuted the same way.
Anael, please keep the pyramid and rainbows with me always. Thank You, Anael and your angels for you help and assistance.”
Meditation from Archangel Anael, through Morgana Starr Copyright 2009
Angel Workshop,
Morgana Starr,
Mother Earth,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Trickling down the cheek they come
A trail of tears that block the sun
There is sorrow deep inside
That I can no longer hide.
It feels like layers being pulled from me
And now it is open for all to see.
Vulnerable, deep runs the pain
Fear that others will use it for their gain.
When will I see the healing begin?
Or do I just want my life to end?
Who will I call on in my hour of need?
Where will I get help in work and deed?
I forgot about the Angels on whom I may call
They lift me up; when on my face I fall
I just rest in their downy soft wings
And listen as they softly to me sing
My angels pull me out of every mess
And their love for me to all confess.
They comfort me with their healing touch
And tell me why to them I matter so much
I just rest in their downy soft wings
And listen as they softly to me sing,
Of healing powers of Divine love
Brought to me by the angels above.
~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2001
A trail of tears that block the sun
There is sorrow deep inside
That I can no longer hide.
It feels like layers being pulled from me
And now it is open for all to see.
Vulnerable, deep runs the pain
Fear that others will use it for their gain.
When will I see the healing begin?
Or do I just want my life to end?
Who will I call on in my hour of need?
Where will I get help in work and deed?
I forgot about the Angels on whom I may call
They lift me up; when on my face I fall
I just rest in their downy soft wings
And listen as they softly to me sing
My angels pull me out of every mess
And their love for me to all confess.
They comfort me with their healing touch
And tell me why to them I matter so much
I just rest in their downy soft wings
And listen as they softly to me sing,
Of healing powers of Divine love
Brought to me by the angels above.
~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2001
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Waiting in lines for food at fairs can be a time consuming business. Especially when it is good food that must be prepared as ordered. I was doing my usual as I stood in line…watching people and feeling the energies around me. My attention was drawn to a young girl, perhaps 14-15 years of age, as who I took to be her mother, called her out of the line.
“Haven’t you ordered yet? Are you in the right line?” she berated the girl who was looking overwhelmed.
There were two lines that had just formed…one for desserts and one for entrees. The mother type person told her to get in another line.
I spoke up asking the girl what she wanted. She wanted entrees and was in the right line to begin with…I related it to the mother type person. Then I encouraged the girl to get back in line, and made sure the people waiting knew she was in front of them.
The people in line were very kind and sweet and made a place for her. As I previously stated the food was taking a long time to prepare. One crepe maker and several people in line.
The mother type person called out to the girl saying, “Are you sure you want that? Have you ordered yet?”
Even seeing the girl was close to tears, the mother type person did not stop. I spoke gently to her finding out that she was a teacher/chaperon and had brought a school group to the fair. She said she would have to meet the group elsewhere if it took any longer. (This was a small fair…so why would that matter?)
She came up to the girl in line asking her again if she really wanted the food. Obviously the girl did as she had been waiting for several minutes. You could see the embarrassment of the young girl at all the negative attention that had been publically brought to her.
The teacher made a comment about it taking so long. The girl muttered under her breath, “This is ridiculous.”
Just as it was time for the girl to order, she stepped away. The gentleman behind her called out, “it is your turn, you can order.”
By now it was clear she just wanted to get away. She and the teacher had a discussion and disappeared.
So what did the girl learn? She learned to blame other people for her inconvenience…it took the crepe makers time to make crepes. No respect was given to them for their hard work. She learned to disrespect others. The teacher belittled her in front of a crowd of strangers. She learned to put people down and try to manipulate them if you might be inconvenience in some way. She learned the gentle art of being abusive from someone who was supposed to inspire greatness in her.
For a moment I was frustrated. I mentioned to Tim, that it was due to people like this teacher that I had clients both young and older coming to me full of wounds needing healing.
Then I considered the cycle. This teacher did the best she could. She was not a bad person, simply one that was repeating what and how she was taught.
I asked Archangel Anael what was the lesson here. This was her reply…..
"We must all pay attention to how we treat others. If we always treat others…children and adults…with the highest of respect and honor, then this cycle of abuse will come to an end.
One way to do this is to pause for a moment before speaking. See the person in front of us as if they are adorned with angel wings and a halo. See within yourself the same. Now speak to them with the respect one Divine Being would give another Divine Being.
Within each of you resides a spark of the Divine. This is who you are. This is your birthright. Reside within that spark, let it grow and consume you. Then you are a true embodiment of the Divine. By doing this, you will assist others to do the same and we will invite Heaven to abide on Earth."
~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Swimming through the Seas of Uncertainty causes many fatalities when one relies only on oneself. In order to get to the other side of life all must cross this Sea.
As you swim your strength begins to leave you and you realize you are not progressing. You are only treading water. There feels as if there is a weight within you that threatens to pull you to the depths and drown you. Weariness floods every part of your body and spirit.
Just then you see someone above you that seems to effortlessly skim across the surface of the Sea. When you cry out for assistance, she calls to you, “Look! There is your angel, ask her for help!”
As you look around you see a beautiful being of Light just above the water. You wonder how long she had been there and why you had not seen her before. As you continue to tread water, barely keeping afloat, you ask the angel, “Will you help me please?”
The compassion and love is evident in the smiling eyes of this shining being. “I was waiting for you to ask, my dearest one,” comes her answer. “When you remember the oneness of all, you become one with your own uncertainties. Only by diving to the depths of your soul and swimming through your own doubts and fears will you be able to release what no longer serves your growth.”
Panic rises up in you as you know you have no strength to deal with it on your own. Just as a wave washes over you and you begin to go under, you feel the arms and wings of your angel around you. Peace and power begins to pervade your spirit and body. With angelic strength inside you, you dive deep. Curiously you are aware that the angel energy has enabled you to able to breathe in the blackened depths of the Sea.
The angelic light within you shines outwards so you now can clearly see how your fears have functioned as anchors weighting you down. They have kept you in the depths of despair and agony. Your angel shows you how to release them one by one. Joy floods through your spirit!
In the next moment, you find yourself at the top of the Sea of Uncertainty once more. As your angel puts her arms around you, she flies behind you, lifting you higher. You are now able to ride the tops of waves with your Spiritual family, being held by your angel. You notice that each person that is above the waves is held by an angel.
The Sea of Uncertainty is still there, but you travel above it. You know you never have to dive into it again. You notice other people treading water with desperation on their face. Hovering above them is a shining angel of Light, eyes full of compassion and love. Those people do not seem to be aware that their salvation is within their reach if they only see and ask for help.
Now you understand your purpose. You are one of the many that will help others see and connect with their angel for their deliverance.
May you see your angel, release your fears and fill your spirit with joy. Then come and join us as we ride the waves of life, skimming over the Seas of Uncertainty, being supported by our angels!
Archangel Anael through Morgana Starr June 2009
Morgana Starr,
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