Wednesday, April 13, 2011


A few days ago, I was asked about the following subject.

This led me to share the information here in case it could be a help to others.

The veil between the worlds is getting thinner and thinner as time seems to be speeding up. Many people are becoming disenchanted with religion and being drawn to spirituality.

On many levels this is a wonderful thing. I have found through the school of hard knocks, however most people go into spiritual/psychic work without being fully protected.

By not being protected properly it is very possible to pick up negative energies that take a form. This can cause emotional highs and lows, misunderstandings, not being able to think clearly, and the inability to move forward in your life. You may feel like no matter what you do, nothing goes right. When you read a spiritual book for inspiration, you fall asleep. You have physical aches and pains of which there is no medical explanation. These are all symptoms of having an interfering spiritual attachment.

These can attach when you do spiritual work, meditate, dream, use tarot cards, astral travel, visit in hospitals or graveyards, become unconscious through surgery, or being knocked out, being drunk or doing any drugs, even pot. That is why it is very important to keep your energy field protected at all times….even while sleeping.

Here is something that can help. Say this out loud: "Archangel Anael, bind all negative thought forms, energies, emotions and ego in and around me so it has no effect on this reading at this time. Bind them tighter and tighter…a Billion times a Billion. Thank you!"

If you feel a shift within 15 minutes of saying this, then something has attached to you. It may not be something bad. Perhaps it is just the energy of a sad spirit that has been attracted to your good heart. These spirits need peace as much as you do.

I have been doing release work for years. When a person comes to me with these issues, I council the energy form in love and forgiveness to the Light. It is up to the Divine Source what is done with it.

Then I do a complete balancing and restoring of your chakras and aura. Finally we set up a protective field around you that is strengthened with each breath you take.

My clients leave free of heavy energy, full of Light and focused on their next step in the dance of life.

Fortunately because of the way Spirit works, I am able to do this over the phone as well as in person.

If I can help you in any way by answering questions or making an appointment, please email me:

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