We went to see a great movie…The Adjustment Bureau. It was thought provoking…about creating your destiny and the role ‘angels’ play in it. We went shopping for extra beautiful things to enhance the guest rooms and Temple Room of Troy, where I do my classes and occasional private sessions. It was a fun play day.
We took one day that could have been a disappointment and created two fun days out of it. I was taught this by my parents at an early age. When they were missionaries in Africa, we would travel hours once a month for a visit to the city. It was a full day of driving on the dusty roads of Africa, often with flat tires and other challenges.
However, Mom packed a picnic. Stories were told and songs sung. We kids played special games that were reserved for only car travels. When we finally saw the lights of the city, my dad would cry out, “Thar she blows!” What others may have considered boring and drudgery magically became a Grand Adventure,
I continued this way of transforming challenges when I had kids of my own. When we lived in the country in Indiana an ice storm took out our power for three days and nights. We huddled around our wood stove for heat and used it to heat canned food. We created a Grand Adventure out of what could have been a time filled with fear and worry.
So I challenge you all to find your Grand Adventure in the life you wish to create for yourself. Do you want fear and drudgery, or excitement and a sense of wonder?
I attempt to create all my life filled with the later. Today I am off for an extra dose of it!
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