Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I love the little confirmations about going with the flow and listening to Spirit. Today is a busy day of playing catch up. I took the time to go to Aldis for groceries. I love their Fit and Active brand…very low fat. I can get out of there with a full cart for under $50 and that leaves more money for fun things…like Halloween costumes! Lol! (less than 3 months away!)

Walking into the house with my keys in hand, I went to put them down to go to the van to get another load of groceries. I heard very clearly, “No, don’t put them down yet.”

Of course, I argued. “But it only makes sense to put them down. I don’t need them now.”

The response was the same. Spirit is very patient with me and used to me questioning all the time. I have learned to not ask for clarification more than once, however.

So I clipped my keys onto my jeans and went back for more groceries. As I had already gotten the groceries in the front seat, I closed the front driver’s door. Then I tried to open the sliding side van door. It was locked tight.

Apparently before I closed the front door, I had hit the automatic door lock and locked the van. I smiled and said a thank you to spirit and the angels. Took my keys and unlocked the van.

In the grand scheme of things, this may seem small. However, I remember a time that I would have been very stressed to need to return to the house to retrieve my keys. It was hot and uncomfortable outside. I just wanted to be inside in air-conditioning.

It also reminded me that spirit and the angels care about the little things as well as the big. If I remember to listen to the small things, it is even easier to listen to the more important issues that require Divine guidance.

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